The evening opened with a very interesting talk given by Peter Stratton, Vice Chair RBL Towcester Branch, on Crime & Punishment in Victorian Northamptonshire. See "Who has Spoken" herein.
Item 1: Matters arising from previous minutes
BBQ Sunday 31 July 2022
- Graham Walker apologised for not attending on the day.
- Tim & Lynne Williams, after being very busy cooking & serving on the day, also kindly donated a small BBQ to the branch as our BBQ gas pipes had corroded. Our grateful thanks are sent to them both.
- Bob Cubitt advised that one of our gazebo’s has been scrapped as the pins holding the roof up had rusted into place, and that another has broken legs. Chris Kiely advised that we still have the RBL gazebo.
- It was agreed that it was a good event in a good location, and that the broken gazebos and BBQ would not be replaced at this time. Bob Cubitt disposed of the old items.
- The event took £270 in attendance / donations revenue & a further £66 from the raffle. Thank you to those that donated prizes on the day.
Item 2: Finance statement end July 22
- C/A end June 22 and BFI healthy.
- David reported that the accounts for fiscal year ending June 22 were ready for auditing. Interest had been received during the year.
- Paid since end June 22 is the Byfield Village Hall for July 22 rental of £15.30, and receipts for the BBQ event will be additional.
- Bank signatories need to be amended. David was asked to get the necessary Bank mandates and prepare these for signature for the next meeting.
Item 3: Branch Community Support update
- Chris Kiely advised that a member had requested help which he had dealt with.
- He requested that if anyone knows of anyone in the district that needs help to let him know.
Item 4: Cleaning of Dolls Hill memorial bench
- The memorial bench needs cleaning and both Graham Walker and Jane Holland volunteered to see to this. Thank you.
Item 5: Speaker for October 22
- Brian Scott has agreed to talk on the Catesby Tunnel project at our October 22 meeting.
- It is possible that Kevin Tobin may attend our October 22 meeting.
- Jane Holland advised that there is now a drop-in centre in Castle Quay Banbury and that they would be happy to volunteer a future talk on Scams, and Graham Walker gave details on Tony Wright who has spoken for Probus. Both contacts have been passed across to Bob Cubitt for further action.
Item 6: Quiz night November 2022 (ongoing discussions)
- Friday 18 November 22 is confirmed and Byfield Village Hall has been firmly booked.
- Bob Cubitt has started working on the questions and will host again on the night.
- Caroline to contact PTA to request they pencil in bacon butties for the evening.
- To be advertised in the next Byword due out end August 22 for Sept/Oct 22.
- Posters to go up around mid-October.
Item 7: Galanos House Christmas run (ongoing discussions)
- Alan Bailey advised that the Riders branch organise and fix the date. Alan will let us have the date as soon as it is released so that we may try and publicise this more widely and receive more donations to take on the day.
- Alan Bailey agreed to be the donated gift recipient.
Item 8: Any other business
- Bob Cubitt advised that the Byfield War Memorial has now been cleaned by the Parish Council.
- Les Jones advised that there is a tree in the Church Yard with a memorial plaque that needs cleaning if possible. As the Church Yard has recently been tidied then this is now more noticeable. Bob Cubitt to have a look.
- A reminder that the War Memorial in Byfield would need the wreaths and crosses removing in September ready for the November Remembrance service.
- Graham walker advised that the Daventry Ukulele Bank is playing a Maz Jam concert in Byfield Village Hall on Saturday 6 August 22 at 6.30pm, and that the posters showed that revenue will be donated to Katharine House Hospice and the RBL.
- The branch Christmas 2022 dinner was discussed. A couple of options were mooted – either to be held sometime in December or possibly hold a post-Christmas dinner in January 23. Bob Cubitt will email members to garner opinions, and this item will then be on the next meeting agenda to arrange as appropriate.
- Les Jones thanked Jane Holland for her keeping in touch phone calls.
Meeting closed 21:15
Date of next meeting: Monday 5 September 2022 Byfield Village Hall Meeting Room 20:00.