poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

April 2022 Meeting

To open the meeting - Talk by Bob Cubitt on the Malayan Emergency 16/6/1948 – 12/7/1960.

A grateful thank you from all present to our speaker for a very informative presentation

Committee Meeting started at 21:00

  Item 1.  Annual Quiz

Quiz night date Friday 29 April 2022.

  • Rob Crewe to start displaying posters over the coming week.
  • Branch Support Officer has sent some goodies across, and PAO, Tom Smith, hopes to have some more.
  • Event advertised via Rob Lowe, with Bob Cubitt to arrange a small amendment needed on price.
  • Graham Walker volunteered to help Alan Bailey with the bar on the night.
  • Alan Bailey needs to get change from the Byfield PO
  • All raffle prizes to go to Alison Boyle or Jane Holland please.
  • Volunteers needed please from 6pm on the night to help set the hall up.

Item 2: New Padre and Remembrance Sunday 2022

  • Alan Bailey advised that the retired Bishop will help at the Childrens’ Remembrance at the Byfield War Memorial, and officiate at the Church (by agreement with the Padre) and the Byfield War Memorial on Remembrance Sunday.

N.B.: Please remember that the Standard is being paraded at Woodford Halse in 2022.

Item 3: Joy Rees farewell presentation

  • Friday 15 April 2022 booked at Red Lion Hellidon 12:30. Bob Cubitt has emailed all members asking to let him know about attendance by latest Friday 8 April 2022.
  • John Russell to present Joy with her framed certificate at the meeting.


Item 4: Meeting Speaker for June 2022

  • Bernard Tisley will speak at our meeting on Monday 6 June 2022. Topic is Black Powder Weapons.
  • Graham Walker has contacted Peter Stratton who will send in a list of possible future talks.

If any member has any ideas for interesting local speakers for our branch, please do let Bob Cubitt, Secretary know. Talks ideally 30-45 minutes in length.

Item 5: BBQ Sunday 31 July 2022

  • Bob Cubitt to contact Byfield School to ask about availability for the proposed date.
  • PS: The School Hall and Field are now booked for the event. The School has asked for a cleaning deposit to be paid which will be returned if the School Hall is left as found on the day.

Item 6: Branch Trip to Defford House and Museum

  • Revised date suggested of Tuesday 12 July 2022.
  • Bob Cubitt has sent out an email to members asking about interest, and depending on numbers there will be further discussion at the next meeting in May.
  • David Bradshaw to pay DACT please. Alan Bailey to assist with this.

 Item 7: Finance statement end March 22

Alan Bailey, in David’s absence, advised that the accounts were same as end Feb 22.

BFI a/c: healthy as at end December 2021.

Current a/c: OK

  • Bank signatories need to be amended. David recommends that new signatories attend Barclays Banbury with him so the changes can be more easily made. David Bradshaw to arrange a suitable date & time for all.

Item 8: Northampton Military Parade for Platinum Jubilee

  • Bob Cubitt advised that there will be a Parade in Northampton from Abington Street to the Market Place on 4 June 2022. Time is unknown at present. Bob Cubitt to update when information is available.
  • PS: The information has now been made available to Bob Cubitt and is attached separately to these Minutes. We are advised that all RBL members who wish to march are more than welcome to. Please bear in mind the length of the route and that the pace will be at military marching pace.

Item 9: RBL Platinum Jubilee ideas

  • Cllr Pom Boddington is acting as co-ordinator between groups who may be organising activities. She has been made aware of our willingness to participate in anything suitable. A "Village Show" has been mooted but nothing more is known about that at the moment.
  • Caroline Crewe suggested that maybe the local district schools could make something with an RBL theme and the results could be judged by RBL Chair and Secretary over the Jubilee weekend in Byfield Village Hall with a small gift for each age category. Byfield Village Hall has been blocked out for all Platinum Jubilee weekend for any activities that are arranged. Bob Cubitt will ask Byfield School when he approaches them about the BBQ.
  • PS: The Head of Byfield School has expressed interest in the idea of the School doing something over the Platinum Jubilee and has asked for further conversations on this. Bob Cubitt to email members to ask for ideas to be discussed and agreed upon.

Item 10: RBL Annual Conference QE11 Conference Centre 13-15 May 2022

  • Cost would be at own delegate’s expense.
  • No-one attending the meeting volunteered. No delegate will be sent from our Branch.

Item 11: Standard Bearing training dates

  • To be held at the Main Drill Hall Army Reserve Centre, Clare Street, Northampton, NN1 3JQ on 12 April, 10 May & 14 June 2022 7pm-8.30pm. Run by RBL Northamptonshire County.
  • If any member is interested in being a Standard Bearer, please let Bob Cubitt know.

Item 12: Maintaining contact with non-electronic members

  • The list of members that do not have email was updated and discussed at the meeting. All Byfield members are regularly contacted by phone by Jane Holland.
  • There are 5 members in Woodford Halse that need contacting if possible. If any WH member wishes to volunteer to distribute Minutes and information to them please let Bob Cubitt know

Item 13: AOB

  • The RBL election ballot papers have been received to nominate candidates to serve as National Chairman, National Vice Chairman and Trustees. The candidate details were passed around for consideration. Graham Walker will complete and return by 14 April 2022.
  • As per Bob Cubitt’s recent email one of our members, Bob Penrose, passed away recently. The funeral service will be held at St. Nicolas Church Eydon at 11:00 AM on Tuesday 12th April, with refreshments afterwards in Eydon Village Hall. Chris Kiely has agreed to parade the Standard, and Bob Cubitt has arranged for an RBL wreath to be collected from Major Tom Smith.
  • Bob Cubitt to check with Chris Kiely if he has / will complete the Branch Community Support (BCS) Officer (ex Welfare Officer role) refresher course as the Branch needs to formally confirm this has been done to enable us to register centrally.
  • Graham Walker volunteered to raise the flag on Thursday 21 April 2022 as Rob Crewe is unavailable on that day. Rob Crewe to deliver flag to Graham Walker

Meeting closed 21:55

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 3 May 2022 (in lieu of BH Monday). Byfield Village Hall Meeting Room 20:00.