Item 1. Chairman’s Opening Remarks
Alan Bailey, acting Chair, welcomed the members present to the meeting.
The Act of Remembrance was spoken.
Alan Bailey has received a resignation letter from Danny Fewins who is standing down as Chair due to personal circumstances.
Bob Cubitt voted to thank Danny for his efforts whilst holding the role.
This leaves the Branch with a need for a Chair and Secretary, and a functioning committee, in order to continue beyond next month’s AGM.
John Russell suggested advertising in the local press, with Chris Kiely seconding the motion.
- Requirement to draft the requirement for filling these vacancies to the Custodian of Village Notes, Rob Lowe. Alan will speak to Rob Lowe with details.
Item 2. Year End Finance Statement
Year End accounts have been audited with no comments arising.
- Alan Bailey to thank the Independent examiner John Freeman
Started the year with a healthy Branch Fund Initiative account and working funds in our Current account. Gave 2 x £500 donations to Battleback Centre and Galanos House. Received donations of over £300 towards funerals and spent £158 on funeral wreaths. £12 interest earned with some small village hall rental costs leaving the current account with £929 to date, and minimal change in Branch Initiative account.
Item 3. Annual Quiz Night 26 November 2021
Preparations are well underway for the annual quiz evening.
Outstanding actions are shown by a bullet point.
- Bob Cubitt to contact Shaun Start over the required question layout.
- Question papers to be printed. Bob Cubitt to email Caroline & Rob Crewe as necessary and they will arrange to print.
- Alan Bailey to contact PTA to arrange bacon butties
- Members to be asked to all donate an item to the raffle. Alan Bailey to approach Northampton County to ask for RBL merchandise to place on the tables such as pens etc. These have subsequently been received.
- David Bradshaw to approach the Poppy Appeal Organiser to see if he has any RBL merchandise. This has now been received.
- Rob Crewe will produce laminated posters to advertise the event which will include words such as “Support your local Legion” and put on notice boards around Byfield.
- Jane Holland will put the event on the Byfield Byword and Woodford Halse community.
- Volunteers are needed from 6pm onwards on 26 November to help set the hall up. Anyone that can assist with this will be made very welcome.
Confirmed actions are shown below.
The Byfield Village Hall is booked.
Bob Cubitt has prepared the questions.
Shaun Start will be question master on the evening, and his wife will operate the scoreboard;
3 volunteer markers have been found.
John Russell will collect table monies.
Alan Bailey will run the bar.
David Bradshaw will collect the answer papers and hand to markers.
Alison Hurst will draw the raffle numbers and a “shouter” for the drawn numbers will be needed on the evening.
The notice about Quiz night has been printed in the Oct/Nov issue of the Byword.
Item 3: Remembrance Services
Revd. Paul Trathen is on holiday until 17 October 2021.
- Alan Bailey to contact him on his return to discuss arrangements for the annual remembrance services.
- Alan Bailey to contact school Headmaster re the laying of crosses at the Byfield War Memorial on 12 November 2021.
The public remembrance service will be held Sunday 14 November 2021 when the wreaths will be laid at the Byfield War Memorial.
Item 4: Alternative Stonemason for cleaning Byfield War Memorial
This item produced much discussion & emotion.
It seems that it is neither the responsibility of the Parish Council or the Legion branch to maintain the memorial.
Alan Bailey is getting a 2nd quote for the work to compare to 1st quote of £1,000.
- Jane Holland has emailed Byfield HS2 Parish Councillor, Santon Crowshaw, to request he contact HS2 to request some monies towards restoring/cleaning all the branch memorials needed. Nothing has been heard to date. Outstanding.
John Russell suggested raising funds through public subscription.
- David Bradshaw to contact the Byfield Parish Clerk to ask the Parish Council opinion on this.
- Bob Cubitt to see if there is a War Memorial Association or such like to see if this is a possible avenue to explore. (The War Memorials Trust War Memorials Trust)
Item 5: 100 years Centenary Bench
Please refer to previous minutes for suggestions received on types of 100-year centenary bench.
The members present voted to defer this until after such time as the Byfield War Memorial has been restored as any available funds should be allocated to this project first.
The members present also suggested that the Quiz night funds should also be allocated to the War Memorial refurbishment if necessary.
Item 6: Next Pub Lunch
To arrange a farewell lunch for Joy Rees and Terry Hoyle.
- Alan Bailey to contact both Joy & Terry for availability dates and then book a local pub and advise members. Date likely to be towards the end of November on a Friday.
- Les Jones again requested that a committee member approach District to acquire a small stock of “In Sympathy” cards to send to families of deceased members.
John Russell, President, showed members present the President’s Chain of Office.
John Tompkins has broken his hip and is seriously ill in hospital. A card was arranged to be sent to him.
Alan Bailey recommended that the current members carry on as planned with the remembrance services and the quiz night, and see what happens at the upcoming AGM.
Alan was thanked by all present for his hard work.
Next Meeting
To take place on Monday 1st November 2021 in Byfield Village Hall at 20:00.
This will also be the AGM and nominations will be needed for Chair and Secretary as a minimum to allow the Branch to continue.
There being no further business, the acting Chair closed the meeting at 21:05.