December 2022's Meeting & EGM
Item 1. Quiz Night 26 Nov 21 cancellation
Provisional new date discussed of Friday 29 April 2022.
- To be confirmed / decided at next meeting 7 February 2022.
Item 2. Remembrance service, Poppy Appeal 2020 and War Memorial update
Crosses for remembrance service were written by the schoolchildren this year with non-permanent markers, and some names are no longer visible.
- Next year the organisers need to ask if the schoolchildren can write the names in either biro or permanent marker.
It has been found out the Parish Council (PC) is responsible for the War Memorial and they have arranged for the re-lettering to be done Spring 2022. It should have been done this year but the contractor was very busy and the weather was not always the best. The PC does not think that the memorial also needs cleaning as it was felt that it would risk making it look too new. It has a patina that they feel is appropriate and in keeping with its age and position in the village.
We were also asked by the PC about when to remove the wreaths. There are no rules either from RBL or War Memorials Trust on when wreaths should be removed. This is something that needs to be decided by the PC following consultation with the local community. Following discussion at tonight’s meeting some members recall that previous decisions on this were in the branch Minute Books. The Minute Books are with ex Chair, Danny Fewins. Once these have been recovered this will be discussed at the next meeting following and RBL will then feedback to the PC.
- Alan Bailey to arrange for these to be returned to him
The Poppy Appeal this year had raised £9,668.75 as advised by Major Tom Smith on 29 November 2021. It is hoped to raise in excess of £10,000 once all final monies are in. There is a delay in the thank you cards being issued to all the collectors that helped this year due to stationery delays from RBL.
It was noted that Heather Hall had knitted 100 poppies that were displayed in Byfield Church over Remembrancetide.
- Thank you card to be written and delivered to Heather. Caroline to write with Jane volunteering to deliver.
Item 3. Farewell Lunch Joy Rees and Terry Hoyle
Regrettably Joy was unable to attend.
Terry Hoyle had sent a letter of thanks that was read at the meeting.
Item 4: Role of Secretary
Bob Cubitt volunteered to take on role of Secretary from Alan Bailey. Subject to a couple of caveats in that he will stand for 3 years and must receive help from other members.
Proposed by Caroline Crewe
Seconded by Chris Kiely
- Bob will start a handover with Alan Bailey, and officially takeover as from the next meeting
Item 5: Finance statement end of November 21
Regrettably David was not at tonight’s meeting to give definitive numbers.
Alan advised that funds spent since the last meeting were:
Rose June Gibson
Hire Byfield Village Hall Nov21
2 x frames for certificates for JR & TH
Item 6: Meeting dates 2022
Meeting dates for 2022 were discussed. t was decided that there would not be a January 2022 meeting and to start the year Monday 7 February 2022. Further meetings will then be discussed in February and generally be on the 1st Monday of each month, apart from where they fall on a Bank Holiday Monday, when generally meetings then either move to the following Tuesday or the Monday afterwards.
- Caroline to provisionally book Byfield Village Hall for 2022 dates.
Item 7: Meeting Speakers for 2022
It was suggested that we try and arrange speakers for every other month next year starting with February, April and June 2022.
The speaker will start at 8.00pm, and any committee meeting will follow afterwards to which members will be invited to stay on for.
Speakers considered were:
- Chris Kiely to contact Charwelton Airfield speaker for February 7 2022
- Jane Holland to contact Rex for April 4 2022
- Alan Bailey to contact David Morse for “St Paul Watch” for June 6 2022
If we can arrange these, and publicise in time, then non members will be welcome and asked to make a donation on arrival.
Item 8: Flag Flying Days 2022
- Robert Crewe to submit 2022 suggested dates to include VE Day and Queens Platinum Jubilee to PC for approval.
Item 9: Possible trip 2022
- Caroline to contact Midland Air Museum to see if still open.
Date and venue to be decided at February 22 meeting to give time to arrange for say June/July 22.
Item 10: Annual County Conference January 2022
No details were available at tonight’s meeting either on date in January or how the conference will be conducted
- Alan Bailey will contact Kevin Tobin, Membership Support, to find out more.
Item 11: New Members / contact with members that don’t have email
Jane Holland telephones round Byfield, and Chris Kiely volunteered to post necessary information to non-email members in Woodford Halse. To be discussed again at further meetings
Item 12: AOB
Alan Bailey had the latest newsletter from Battleback Centre. No mention was made of the £500 donation made by Byfield and District RBL in 2021 (see attached copy).
- Alan Bailey to enquire directly with Battleback Centre
- Caroline to enquire directly with HQ RBL Treasurer
Alan Bailey raised the annual Christmas present run to Galanos House Southam.
- If you wish to gift anything this year such as small toiletries e.g., shower gel, combs etc then you can either drop a parcel to Alison Boyle or meet at the Long Itch Diner at Long Itchington Sunday 19 December at 1pm.
- Alan Bailey, Graham Walker and Alison Boyle will probably go along, all things being equal by then.
It was suggested that RBL approaches Rev Paul Trathen to act as Padre.
- Alan Bailey to contact the Reverend to make this request
Jane Holland delivered a memorial of a gentleman from Canada to Mr Snook at the request of Terry Hoyle.
Next Meeting
To take place on Monday 7 February 2022 in Byfield Village Hall at 20:00.
It is hoped to start with a speaker and a short committee meeting to follow.
There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 21:30.