poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

June '18

 Minutes of the Committee & Branch Meeting held on 5th June 2018 at the Royal Oak, Eydon

A. CHAIMAN’S OPENING REMARKS: Russ welcomed Members. There was no speaker tonight, so this was a combined Committee/Branch Meeting.

B. MATTERS ARISING from previous Minutes:

B.1 Great Pilgrimage 2018 – GP90. All appears to be ready. However Terry reported that because of some admin problem, the date for final registration has been put back two weeks. We now have the blank card for the wreath and Bob will put on the message as shown below. Terry has heard from Dimitra that a Message can also be put on the reverse, and it was decided that Byfield and District together with all the village names be put there – see front and back respectively below.

  Wreath Dedication 0001 (1) Wreath Dedication 0002             

B.1.1 Transport to and from the pick-up/set down point at Banbury Bus station will be shared between Russ (outward) and Terry (homeward). Chris & Bob have Terry’s mobile number and will contact when nearing Banbury on the 9th.

B.1.2 Dress: see H1 later hereien.

B.2 Thank You Campaign: Russ commented that this was parallel with the event on 11th November, but should Byfield school prepare anything for the national event competition, it could also be used for this.

B.2.1 Sponsored Abseil: Russ reported that the £50 we agreed by individual donations had been sent.

B.3 Flywheel: Alan reported that his entry had not been accepted and he would not therefore be attending. Terry said he would go along if anyone else wished to accompany him.

B.4 Data Protection: Terry has put the following explanation on the Branch Web site quote: “ You may remember that the RBL has a system that allows all members to opt-in for e-mails and opt-out for junk style post and/or telephone calls. This means that unless you have told the RBL that you would like to receive information from them by e-mail, in the future you shouldn't be getting any third-party data from them via that medium. However administrative types of communications, for example membership renewal, information about when/where the next Branch meeting is or what activities your Branch is planning, can be e-mailed to all members under the legitimate interest principle, which will remain applicable. This is because we can assume that by joining TRBL people expect to be informed when their membership is about to expire or how they can attend a meeting of a Branch that they’ve joined or what activities that Branch is conducting.

If you opted-out of post, again - you should only receive administrative communications via this method, as mentioned above.

Post will still be the default medium for sending pertinent RBL information but if you have opted-out, nothing else.

If you wish to check or change your opt-in/opt-out status, please advise us, and we will try to arrange for that change to be made.

If you have already made your choice known to the RBL and you are still receiving information from them that you do not wish to have, please advise us of any complaint in that regard and we will endeavour to rectify that. In compliance with the updated Data Protection rules that came into force on 25th May 2018, apart from your basic contact details, your Committee has been asked to delete any and all other personal data they may have held about you”. Unquote.

B.4.1 Head Office have provided an updated document retention schedule which, as an example, specify that copies of membership application forms should be deleted when membership is confirmed eg when a member receives their card.

B.5 Our NZ twin: Paparua Templeton RSA Branch in New Zealand: In the absence of Joy, there was no update on this. However, Terry has sent them details of an audio visual of Rhodes Moorhouse VC on You Tube called "Dancing in the Sky"; his mother had a Maori ancestry.

Secretary’s Note: An acknowledgement has since been received from Templeton as follows:  “Thanks Terry that sounds very interesting. I didn't  recognise the name at all, how bad is that! I will certainly look the documentary up. Things are fairly quiet at the moment and we are still trying to get used to the cold and rain as we had such a warm summer! Last Saturday night we had the Ellesmere Big Band in the club playing for the Wartime Theme Dance. What a great night it was too- the band is 120 years old based in the wee town of Leeston (near Lake Ellesmere) but well supported through the generations of band members. The costuming was very 'period' and the dancing reminiscent of that era - minus the tobacco fug though! It must be getting warmer up there. We haven't had a speaker in for a while but heard of Jack Marshall who was a WW2 pilot who gave a great talk at a rest-home recently so we will try and look him up.”

B.6 100 years on from The First World War’s end - 11th November 2018: Russ asked if members knew of any other of the villages in the district were having an event on the same day but no-one did. However, Chris said he would ask in Woodford. The first coordination meeting is planned for the evening of 14th June at Byfield school, with members from the school, the PTA, the Scouts, Angie Goswell and us.


C.1 Branch Subscription Fee: It was agreed that as agreed at the AGM and as in previous years, no branch subscription fee would be levied.

C.2 Byfield School Fete Saturday 16th June: Russ has agreed to man it with Vernon and will book the County Gazebo; Vernon will collect from Clare Street.

C.3 County Newsletter for Branches: There was nothing significant to report.

D. FINANCE: In the absence of David, Alan gave the report; our healthy figures are available from Branch records.

E. POPPY APPEAL: Annabelle had requested though John Russell that the WRNS wreath now be removed from the War Memorial; Terry has done that, the wreath to be returned to Annabelle. This raised the question of whether there was any need to remove the other wreathes as they all appeared to be in good condition and gave a smart look to the Memorial. No-one could remember what the earlier agreement was so it was agreed to remove them at the end of August providing they were still presentable.

F. WELFARE: Members have made 3 visits to those in Nursing homes during the last month. Russ reported on Tony’s funeral arrangements: family cremation during the morning of 21st June, followed by a Service of Thanksgiving at Holy Cross at 3pm. The Standard will be in a fixed position and in Russ’ absence, Joy or John will give the Act of Remembrance.

G. MEMBERSHIP: Terry said that the Free Lunch scheme was still in operation but so far in three years only two lunches had been claimed, a very poor response from our Membership.

G.1 2018 Poster Campaign: Terry handed out some A3 posters to the new design and some much smaller ones (21 cm x 10 cm) which could fit in small spaces on busy notice boards or be placed inside car rear screens. Some A4 sized posters will be handed out shortly. Russ proposed that £50 be allocated under ’Publicity’ for this work. See below:

2018 Poster SMALL          2018 Poster Now You See Us 


H.1 GP90 Parade Dress: Chris reported that at the GP90 Standard Bearers training session recently, Russ Barrie had commented that he needed a new belt and gauntlets. Chris felt they were not necessary but nevertheless agreed to comply. He will buy them and pass the receipts to David for re-imbursement.

H.2 Byfield Scouts expedition to Kenya: Graham and Alan W. mentioned that the 1st Byfield scouts were planning a visit to Kenya in the Autumn and were looking for sponsorship, having already raised a useful sum at a Quiz Night in Eydon. Russ pointed out that this was outside the remit for the use of RBL funds, but maybe we could make a personal donation of £50, and that it would be appropriate to ask them to give us a presentation on their visit on their return. This could be in place of a normal Branch meeting, possibly early in January. Alan B will write to the scouts proposing this.

Secretary’s Note: A positive response was received from the Scouts; we also intend to give them RBL rulers and pens to give to the children they meet in Nairobi slums (their target destination). We also subsequently agreed to increase our personal donation and another £50 was raised.

H.3 Future Speakers: Alan B explained he was waiting for a reply from a vintage motor cycle friend about one of three dates he had been offered (July, September or October) for a talk from him on the Cuban Revolution. Bob Cubitt said he could give a talk on the Army Commandos in July, so Alan will tell his motorcycle contact that July has now been filled.


Pub Lunch: Wednesday 27th June in the Red Lion in Culworth.

Committee and Branch Meeting: Monday 2nd July in Byfield Village Hall’s Lower Annexe.

Flag Flying Days:   Scheduled flag days June/July

9th June:            Official Birthday HM The Queen

10th June:          June 10th   Birthday Duke of Edinburgh

21st June:          Birthday Duke of Cambridge

17th July:           Birthday Duchess of Cornwall