poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

January '18

Minutes of the Branch Meeting held on 8th January 2018 in the Lower Annexe of Byfield Village Hall


Our new Vice Chairperson Joy took the meeting in Russ’s absence on leave and introduced herself to the assembled company and welcomed the Speaker for the evening Ken Bryan and his wife Gill. Ken gave  a very interesting illustrated talk on the failed Franklen expedition in 1845 to find the North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific.

B.  MATTERS ARISING from last meeting’s Minutes:

Joy explained that these would be approved and signed at the next Committee meeting on 31st January 2018. Any matters Arising would be dealt with at that end-January meeting.

C. CORRESPONDENCE: There was no correspondence to discuss.

D. FINANCE: There was no change to our financial position.


John explained that £9,635.15 had been raised to date, slightly down on last year’s total, but he expected a little more to come from the sale of wreathes, for which we had yet to receive the pledged funds.

F. WELFARE (Branch Community Support):

The meeting was updated on our two members in hospital: Tony and Dougie; get well cards were signed by those members present. Visits to both would be conducted during their time there.


There was no change to the Membership numbers to report.


Members were reminded that The Buck Brass Ensemble would perform in Byfield Church the following Sunday, with the collection being in favour of Byfield & District RBL’s Branch Funds.


Tuesday 6th February at the Royal Oak, Eydon, where The Rev Stevie will give a talk titled ‘Reflections of a Peripatetic Engineer’.

Committee Meeting :Wednesday 31st January 2018, 1000hrs at Russ's place.

Lunchtime gathering: Wednesday 31st January at the Red Lion in Culworth.

Flag Flying Days:

9th   Birthday of the Duchess of Cambridge

Jan 20th Birthday of the Countess of Wessex

Feb 6th  Her Majesty’s Succession

Feb 19th Birthday of the Duke of York