poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

March '17

Minutes of the Branch Meeting held on 7th March 2017

at the Byfield Bowls Club 


Tony, standing-in for Russ who had been delayed by a conflicting WEA meeting in the Village Hall, welcomed the speaker Peter Stratton, Vice Chair of the Towcester Branch and new member Bob Cubitt. Russ joined the meeting later in the session. 

B. MATTERS ARISING from last meeting's Minutes:

B.1 Flag Flying Days: Tony reported that the Parish Council had approved the revised list of Flag Flying Days to cover all the designated days allowed by the Department for Culture, Media and Sports.

B.2 Group 4 Meeting 1st March:

B.2.1 Band Concert: Alan confirmed that it had been decided to cancel the concert because so few tickets had been sold prior to the event without taking into account the fact that many are usually sold at the door. It was decided during the Group 4 meeting that there would be no concert this year (2017), and that a special event would be arranged next year to commemorate the centenary of the end of the Great War.

B.2.2 Eydon Standard:  Russ explained to the Group 4 meeting that laying up the Eydon Standard would be performed as a small ceremony during the normal Sunday service on 7th May. Standard Bearers from other branches would be invited to be present but without their own Standards.

B.2.2.1 Alan W reported to this Byfield Branch Meeting that two possible locations to lay up the Eydon Standard had been identified and they were now waiting for a decision by the PCC on this matter. It was decided that the £12 received from Head Office for the Eydon Branch Subscription fees would be donated towards the cost of the bracket to hold the laid-up Eydon Standard.


C.1 DACT: Daventry Area Community Transport have notified us of a revised daily hire rate of £50 for a 6 hour session, with no change being made to the mileage rate. The annual affiliation fee has been increased from £25 to £30.

C.2 The Band of the Irish Guards: The Wellingborough RBL are organisinga band concert on 11th March at the United Reform Church in Wellingborough. Alan can provide booking details if required; information is also available on our Web site.

C.3 Standard Bearer Training Days: A list of training days has been issued by County.

C.4 Membership Newsletter: The February edition of the Membership Newsletter had been received covering the Legion’s Five Year Strategy, October 2016 Renewals and Lapsing Process, Office 365 Updates and Nominations for the Board of Trustees.

C.5 Advice on Speaking on Political Matters: An email has been received from Haig House reminding branches that members cannot speak on behalf of the Legion on political matters, which would be contrary to Charity Law.


Our new Treasurer David reported on the financial position at the end of February, which remained healthy.

E. POPPY APPEAL: John reported that the total banked for the 2016 Appeal stood at £10,154.42 but that wasn’t the final figure; he would be notified of that by the end of May, which should then include Gift Aid and the CAF cheques.


Terry reported that he had made one home visit during the last month, and that this particular person was well cared for and regularly visited by relations. He had however decided not to renew his RBL subscription.


G.1 Terry reported that membership now totalled 68, this including the ‘elusive’ Simon and new member Bob. Two old members had not renewed (see also F above).

G.2 Terry reported that he had set up a Facebook page for the Branch.

G.3 In a note in last year’s Christmas Card sent to all Branch Members Terry had asked all Branch Members to advise him of their e-mail addresses if they had one, nobody responded to that request.


Peter Stratton gave an interesting talk on the development of railways in South Northamptonshire, with amusing anecdotes from the railway men who worked on them.


J.1 At this point Russ joined the meeting and raised two points:

J.1.1 Meeting format: To make those meetings when we have a speaker less formal and more enjoyable, Russ proposed that any formal business for that month be conducted at a separate meeting of the Committee a week before the normal Branch meeting, where they would then report back any decisions made. This was agreed, and it was interesting to hear that our speaker explained that was how the Towcester Branch ran their meetings.

J.1.2 Outing: Russ listed a number of possible outings connected with flying:
             Shuttleworth Museum at Old Warden, Bedfordshire  Fly Navy Event 4th June £30
             Bruntingthorpe Cold War Open Day – High speed taxi runs 28th May £20 adult, £15 OAP
             Cosford Museum:  Nimrod Tours  £5  8th – 23rd April, Open Cockpit evenings  19/20th May and 15/16th Sept.

Members agreed on the Bruntingthorpe event

Flag Flying Days:  10 March - Earl of Wessex’s Birthday

                                13 March - Commonwealth Day

                                 21 April - Queen’s Birthday

                                 23 April - St George’s Day

Our next Branch meeting will be on Wednesday 5th April 2017, 8pm in Byfield Village Hall; Terry Hoyle will tell his tale ‘Into Africa via Brazil’ (OR "How I went to Capetown for Lunch" )

Next Lunch Meeting will be on Wednesday 29th March, 12.30 pm at the Cross Tree Byfield