poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

June '17

Minutes of the Branch Meeting held on 5th June 2017 at the Griffin, Chipping Warden


Russ explained that although we did not have a speaker for this meeting, there would be a slide-show afterwards, including videoclips that would give the assembled company a good idea of the fun we had at our outing the previous week, where Cold War jets roared down Bruntingthorpe’s mile and a half long runway.

B. MATTERS ARISING from last meeting’s Minutes

B .1  Cascade: Alan explained that his intention was to use email for all members who have them and use them. He had a total of 51 email addresses so far, and was in the process of contacting the remaining 21 by phone to establish if any of them use email.

B.2 Bruntingthorpe Visit: Russ formally reported that, as briefly mentioned in his opening remarks he, Terry, Alan, John R and Jill had a very enjoyable dayat Bruntingthorpe on 28th May.

B.3 The visit to the National Memorial Arboretum: will take place on 21st June. Vernon has volunteered to take his car and will be able to take 3 others. Members wishing to go should be at the Village Hall for 9 am – this will allow time to be seated by 10.50 am for the memorial service at 11 am. Members should come by car, being prepared to take others if necessary.

B.4 Eydon Standard: This was laid up at Eydon Church 7th May. All went well and the meeting congratulated Russ for organising it. The bracket for mounting it is being made, the cost of which will be covered by the Branch.

B.5 Barbecue: 12.30 pm 23rd July: Russ reported that Tim and Lynne will be cooking, and that Joy’s two marquees and Tony’s gazebo would be in use. Around six members would be required to rig up these on the morning of 23rd, to be arranged at the July meeting.

B.6 Welfare Conference 1st June? Russ reported that he had not been advised of any details, so it appeared that the conference never took place.

B.7 PTA Summer Fete 24th June 1- 4 pm: Vernon has agreed to pick up the Legion gazebo from Clare Street during the morning of 22nd June, plus a box of ‘goodies’. It was agreed to set up the gazebo at 10 am on 24th June; it will be manned by Russ, Vernon and David. Any monies raised will be for the Poppy Appeal.

B.8  Halton House: Eight members expressed interest in visiting; Russ will arrange a suitable date with Bernard Kilsby during either September or October.

B.9 Group 4 Social Evening 24 May: Russ, Alan & Terry, and Terry’s guest attended this at greens Norton’s RBL Club, and had an enjoyable evening playing skittles. There were two raffle prizes (Champagne and a bottle of claret) which were won by Terry and Russ respectively!

B.10 RBL Newmarket Race Day 12th August: Branch Standard Bearers have been invited to attend, and Chris hopes to be able to parade ours.

B.11 Largest Human Poppy? In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Galanos House, the RBL’s Rider’s Branch will make a Guinness Book of World Records attempt at Southam College CV47 OJW on 13th July to form a huge human poppy. They will need more than 2,500 people to achieve this and those will begin to assemble after 0900 on the day. The time for everyone to be in their places standing still for five minutes is 1350hrs, when photos will be taken to record the event, we surmise using drones. Everyone is expected to disperse soon thereafter, with the site being clear at 1500hrs. PARKING WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE, so anyone attending please take passengers.


C .1 Armed Forces Day Parade, Banbury Market Place Saturday 1st July 11 am: We have been advised of this event by Andrew Bowes, asking if we wish to participate. However, Armed Forces Day is actually 24th June, so Russ will check this with Andrew Bowes.

C.2 Veterans Gateway Official Opening Delay: We have been advised by Haig House that because of the General Election this week, the public launch of this service has been delayed until 20th June. However the service has been in operation for a couple of months and is settling down well.


D.1  David reported as at the end of May, our financial position continued to be healthy.


John reported that the latest figure is £10,148.52 but the final figure would not be known until the Poppy Appeal’s financial year end on 30th September 2017.

F. WELFARE Vernon reported that he had called on Nina but she was not at home; other than that, no home or hospital visits were made.


G.1 Head Count: Terry reported that the total stood at 72.

G.2 Posters: 27 new recruiting posters had been put up around the District covering all villages except Aston le Walls, and that village would be done within the next few days. He handed out small laminated signs to everyone,  suitable for car rear screens or filling in small spaces on busy notice boards.

G.3 Web & Social Media: He also reported that he had updated our Web site and Facebook page.


Vernon reported he had found someone in Staverton whose business is re-siting hospitals and other organisations lock, stock and barrel and who would be happy to speak about this. Alan will arrange this for either the September  or October meeting.

J. DATES OF FUTURE MEETINGS on our Notices Web page at the end of the entries - so please scroll-down when there.

J.1 An analysis of attendances at meetings showed that there has been an increase in numbers since staggering the days month by month after the experiment was started in March. Members agreed to continue with this so Alan will contact the Village Hall Booking Secretary to update our bookings. If the Art group are still using the Lower Annex on Tuesdays, then the side annex will be booked if that is available. John R proposed that something be put in the Gusher and Guardian to indicate that we now have staggered  meeting days as well as holding meetings at different locations in the District. It was proposed that poster be made for display at the different locations stating that an RBL meeting will be here on (date) with speaker on (subject). Alan will publish the future meeting dates after speaking to the Village Hall Booking Secretary.

J.2 Note: The next lunch meeting will be on Wednesday 28th June at the Cross Tree Byfield.          

Flag Flying Days:   10th June Birthday of the Duke of Edinburgh

                                17th June Official Birthday of HM The Queen

                                 21st June Birthday of the Duke of Cambridge

                                 24th June Armed Forces Day

                                 17th July Birthday of the Duchess of Cornwall

Terry explained he would not be able to fly the flag on 17th, 21st or 24th June, so Tony volunteered to cover on the     17th and 21st. John Tompkins will be asked if he can do the 24th – if not, John Russell will.