poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

July '17

Minutes of the Branch Committee Meeting held on 29th June 2017 at Hinton House Farm Cottages, Byfield


Russ commented that as we had a Speaker for our next meeting, this meeting of the Byfield & District RBL Committee would cover formal business, which would be summarised and presented to the monthly meeting for July for approval on Monday the 3rd, thereby giving more time for the assembled company to enjoy the speaker’s talk.

Secretary's Note: The aforementioned Summary was distributed on 2nd July 2017; the meeting on the evening of 3rd July would cover only those items requiring sepcific attention. At that meeting, Russ welcomed our local author Bob Cubitt, who told us about what inspired him to write adventure and schience fiction as well as hard fact books.

B.  MATTERS ARISING from last meeting’s Minutes:

B .1 Cascade: e-mail addresses are still being collated for the Cascade rapid information dissemination system.

Secretary's Note: On 3rd July, Alan reported that he now had the email addresses for every member who uses this means of communication. The cascade process would therefore use this, with the very small number without email to be contacted by 'phone. A separate message will be issued on this subject.

B.2 Bruntingthorpe and National Arboretum Visits: Russ expressed his concern that although a number of members had put their hands up signifying they wanted to go on these visits only 5 and 3 respectively turned up on the day.

B.3  Barbecue: 12.30 pm 23rd July. Six people will be needed to move furniture from Byfield to Joy’s home in Woodford. Volunteers required. Vernon will bring his trailer.

Secretary's Note: Laurie would make his van available. Tony will bring his gazebo. Russ had printed tickets, to be purchased in advance. Russ will arrange for cutlery and glasses from the Village Hall. Members are asked to make a salad and/or a pud and to let Russ know if they can. Members are asked to bring a raffle prize or leave the same with Laurie or Alison. Bring your own drinks, and if possible, your own seats.

B.4 PTA Summer Fete 24th June: The committee expressed their thanks to Vernon who brought and took back the Legion gazebo from Northampton, to John Russell for his long wooden table, manhandled over his wall into the venue, and to those who manned the stand: Laurie, Alison and David. We had a good day in a good position with many youngsters stopping by.

B.5 Halton House Visit: Bernard has been given our preferred dates for this visit in September or October, which he has passed on to the establishment’s principals. The date they offer will then be circulated.

Secretary's Note: Eight Members have expressed interest in this.

B.6 Largest Human Poppy? This will be attempted at Southam School on Thursday 13th July. It is being organized by the Warwickshire Riders Branch of the RBL as part of the Galanos House 50th anniversary celebrations and will be accredited (or not) by the Guinness Book of World Records. At least 2,500 people need to be in position on the school playing field by 13.50 at the very latest. Proceedings are expected to be finished by 14.30.

Secretary's Note: Alison, Vernon, John R, Russ and Alan will be taking part. It was agreed to meet at the Village Hall car park at 12.15 pm and decide which cars to use. John R proposed that in view of serious parking problems, Jill travels with John, drops John and the other passengers off, and comes back later to collect them.

B.7 Remembrance Survey: Russ has sent back to Head Office the completed form asking for numbers at our Remembrance services.


C .1 Armed Forces Day Parade, Banbury Market Place Saturday 1st July 11 am: This isn't an official Byfield RBL event although it is expected a number of us will attend.

Secretary's Note: And so it transpired, although it was noticed that those were the usual stalwarts! Particular thanks was due to Chris for parading our Standard.

C.2 Festival of Remembrance: Royal Albert Hall, London,  on Saturday 11th November at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Details will be circulated separately (also see Weblink herein). Names of anyone who would like to be nominated for the evening performance are required; the afternoon session is open to anyone who has a ticket.

D. FINANCE: No change from previous month.


E.1 John reported that because of Gift Aid, and the £21.76 collected at the School fête, the total had risen to £10,247.98. 

E.2 Tony will take over Pam's collecting area in Byfield this year.

E.3 Poppy Appeal collection dates for 2017: 28th October to 11th November inclusive.


Terry visited Peter during the month and reported he was making good progress back to health. This was confirmed when Peter and his wife attended our June Social Lunch at the Cross Tree in Byfield last Wednesday (28th), it was good to see him back.


Apart from their being a few more recruiting signs now in evidence around the District (e.g. Aston le Walls and Culworth), there was no change since last month. Terry had chased our prospective new members in Chipping Warden who had promised to “get a round toit”.


H.1 Schools’ Poetry Competition: Russ would approach the Byfield Head and Terry the Heads of other schools in our District.

H.2 GP90 The Great Pilgrimage 2018: (90 years on since the first GP).  Details in the June Legion magazine on page 30. The cost of £1,000 for two members per Branch to take part, one of whom must be the Standard Bearer, would come from Branch funds. Terry suggested a fund raising exercise and offered a significant donation towards this to start things off but the committee decided by a 4 to 2 vote to not take part, believing that the money could be better spent on welfare, e.g. the Battle Back Centre. Subsequently Russ spoke to Chris K and he would like to go with the Standard if the Branch were to later change its view.

Secretary's Note: Whilst the Committee meeting had decided not to support this event, preferring to spend their funds on welfare, Terry felt it could be worthwhile fundraising specifically for GP90. He will circulate an Appeal to all members asking for donations.

H.3 Merchant Navy Day Sunday 3rd September: The Red Ensign will be flown at the Byfield War Memorial in memory of those Merchant Seamen who had lost their lives in time of war.

H.4 Byfield War Memorial and Green: Wreathes will be removed after the end of June.

H.4.1: Now that there is grass right up to the plinth, Tony demonstrated his design using extruded aluminium with slots to support small wooden crosses. This will allow the children to continue to place those around the War Memorial with ease during the remembrance ceremony.

H.5: Alan annonced the sad loss of our Member Robert Lee from Woodford, who is recently deceased.


J.1 Note: The next lunch meeting will be on Wednesday 26th July at the Royal Oak in Eydon 1230hrs.

J.2 Future monthly meetings:

Thursday 27th July: Branch Committee meeting 1030, Russ's place.

Tuesday 1st August - Royal Oak Eydon:  Russ will speak on “A snapshot of South Africa” This meeting was previously agreed to be at Woodford but both the Woodford Memorial Hall and their Dryden Hall are fully booked on Tuesdays until Christmas, so the venue has been switched to Eydon.

Secretary's Note: Laurie has agreed to act as Minute secretary for the August meeting in the absence on holiday of Alan and Vernon.

Monday  4th September – Byfield V H: Speaker Alan Bailey on “His time in the Territorial Army”

Tuesday 3rd October - Royal Oak, Eydon: Mark Spindles will tell us about “Moving the Colchester Garrison”.

Monday  6th November – Byfield V H – AGM

Tuesday 5th December – Griffin, Chipping Warden – Speaker TBA

Flag Flying Days: 17th July Birthday of the Duchess of Cornwall

                             15th August Birthday of the Princess Royal

Terry will be responsible for the Union Flag with Tony as backup. If neither is available then Russ will carry out the task.