poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

September '16

Minutes of the Branch Meeting held on 5th September 2016 in the Lower Annexe, Byfield Village Hall


Russ first welcomed the speaker for the evening, Andy Tennent. He then said that Members should now be thinking about the succession of the Chairman in preparation for the AGM, so that handovers to the new officer and any subsequent changes to the Committee could be made in an orderly manner.


B1.Women’s Section: Russ reported that there had been no further news from theByfield Women’s Section. Russ explained he had written to all the local members inviting them to attend and/or join us but apart from one, there had been no other response.

B2 Barbecue: Russ reported that 24 had attended and that a total of £334.21 had been raised, this including £84.21 from the raffle and donations of £62. John proposed a sincere vote of thanks to Joy for her generous hospitality. Agreed by all. 

B3. Web Site Update: Chris produced a poster advertising two coach trips by Country Lion: one to the National Memorial Arboretum on 1st October and the other a Sightseeing and Shopping Day in London on 26th November. Russ agreed to send this to Terry for adding to the Web site. (Not yet received by TH 16/09/16).    

B4. Eydon Branch Standard: Russ advised that he had held initial discussions with Rev Stevie who was happy to arrange for the Eydon Standard to be laid up during the family service at Eydon Church on 7th May 2017. 

B5. Lunch Meeting: Six members attended the Cross Tree on 31st August and all felt this would be worthwhile repeating. The next one will be at the Cross Tree on 28th September, after which consideration will be given to other venues within the District. 

B6. Community Festival: This will be held on the Brightwell on 17th September, between 2 and 5 pm. Vernon has agreed to collect the County Gazebo plus some ‘goodies’ from Clare Street during the morning of 15th October. Set up at 11 am. Russ will arrange a table and chairs; Vernon, Robert P and Alan will man the gazebo. Laurie will arrange for a dummy Defibrillator to be on display as well. If available, the Branch Standard will be on display. 

B7. Visit to National Memorial Arboretum: Several of those interested have had to back out, so this visit has been postponed. However, the new Remembrance Centre there will be opening at the end of October, so this would be a better time to reschedule a visit. 

B8. Remembrance Service: Remembrance Sunday is on 13th November. Remembrance Day the 11th falls this year on a Friday, traditionally the day when the Byfield schoolchildren plant the crosses at the Memorial. Russ will liaise with Mr Hibbert (the new Head Teacher) to agree timings and to discuss the idea of a poetry competition.

B9. War Memorial Flowers: Russ explained he had received a call from Jon querying why some wine had been left at his door. He told him it was to say thank you for our using water from his tap to water the memorial flowers. The meeting agreed it would reimburse the cost of the wine from the speaker fund.

B10. Membership: Alan W explained he was puzzled why some of the members who should have been transferred to the Byfield branch now appeared on the St James National branch, particularly as their names were also on Byfield’s listing. He will investigate this.

C. FINANCE:                                                             

C1. Alan reported that the Accounts for the year ending 30 June 2016 had been examined by John F and given a clean bill of health. The Receipts and Payments supporting this were detailed at the meeting and were approved by all members present. They will be adopted at the AGM to be held on 7th November. 


D1. John reported that the Poppy Appeal total was as reported last month i.e. £9366.24 excluding Gift Aid. Collecting dates this year will be from 5th to 12th November. He plans to have 90 boxes filled starting at 10 am on Saturday 15th October, with those volunteering being Russ, Alan, Vernon, Peter, Joy, Laurie and Alison.    


E1. Russ explained he needs to make regular reports to Aylesbury on the number of hospital or home visits made by Members. This last month, Vernon reported he had visited Nina once. Alan reported that, prompted by Les, he had prepared a special 90th Birthday Poppy card for Albert W and had delivered it; unfortunately, he didn’t see him as the whole family were away for the weekend.


Andy Tennet gave a most interesting presentation on his father’s time during and immediately after the end of WW2.

Flag Flying Days    None scheduled until November                              

The next Byfield RBL will be held on Monday 3rd October at 8pm in Byfield Village Hall’s Lower Annex.