poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

March '16

Minutes of the Branch Meeting held on 7th March 2016

Lower Annexe, Byfield Village Hall


Russ explained that he was planning to change the format of meetings when a speaker was present by keeping business to a minimum at the start of that meeting, and then have the speaker give their talk making the meetings more social affairs. This would accommodate the speaker if they preferred an early get away. Meetings without speakers would follow the usual full agenda. Members agreed that this was a good idea. Then Enid Jarvis, Chair of Spratton Local History Society, gave an illustrated talk on Lt William B Rhodes-Moorhouse VC, RFC – A Northamptonshire Hero’ the first RFC pilot to be awarded the Victoria Cross.


B.1 Eydon Branch Amalgamation: Russ announced that he had looked at the Membership database and had seen that the Eydon members had been transferred to the Byfield listing, drawing the conclusion that the Membership Council had agreed to the amalgamation, despite neither Branch having been formally advised of this. Alan W requested that a sub-committee meet to ensure a smooth handover, and this was arranged for 2.30 pm at Russ’ house on Monday 14th March. The Chairmen and Secretaries of each branch would be present, together with John.

B.2 Recruitment Poster and Web site:

Terry had left a number of A3 sized posters for the meeting, and Russ asked Members to each take one and try to find locations in the District for them. Chris pointed out that the heading showed Byfield Branch, not Byfield and District Branch, but members felt this was acceptable as the poster listed all the villages in the District.     

B.2 Outings: Russ announced that he had decided on Thursday 12th May for the visit to RAF Cosford Museum. Transport would be in members cars, details to be decided at the April meeting.

B.3 Plaque for Ken’s Rose: Alan reported that he had ordered it from Bishops Court Cobblers in Daventry on 5th February. Having checked for delivery several times, he learnt just before the meeting that it appeared to have been lost in the post from the makers in Bournemouth. A replacement was immediately requested.         


C.1 Village Hall Quiz 12th March: Russ reported that he had been able to form a team with Jeremy W, Alan, Laurie (a new Member) and himself.

C.2 Events: Banbury Supper Club: Vernon had advised us that this meeting had suffered yet another date change and would now be at 7.30 pm on Thursday 31st March. There were no other changes to those reported in our last Meetings’ Minutes.

C.3 The Future of Women’s Section: Russ explained that the Women’s Section would no longer stay as a separate organisation of the RBL but would become a District within it. Individual Women’s Branches could continue if they wished, but in Byfield they have chosen to close. Russ will therefore be writing to each of their members to invite them to join us.

C.4 South East Midlands Membership Council Election: The Branch had received a voting paper to elect one member from the South East Midlands area (to which Byfield belongs) to the national Membership Council.  One candidate (retired or close to it, but age not known), male with almost 40 years RBL membership up to and including County Chairman, plus many years as a local government councillor. The other, female, age 34, RBL member for over 5 years in a variety of posts and latterly co-opted onto the Membership Council. The majority of Members felt that management of the RBL needed young faces with fresh thinking and therefore wished to vote for the lady. Russ therefore marked the voting paper accordingly for its submission.


John reported that there was no change from the figure as reported at the last meeting but he had been very concerned that he had not received any receipts from Aylesford for the cash sums recently sent. He had contacted Aylesford to query this and had been re-assured the sums sent were correct. This satisfied him and he asked that this be recorded in the minutes. 


E.1 Tony W reported that he had asked a local Member about renewing that membershipbut but he had decided not to, as he was unhappy about the way the RBL was being run nationally.

E.2 It was reported that George W wife Kath had died recently. It was agreed send a Sympathy card and this was signed at the meeting.

E.3 Jeremy W announced he would be giving a talk on his National Service (somewhat different from normal as it involve learning Russian) to the Men’s Breakfast Club in the Village Hall Lower Annex at 8.30 am on Saturday 26th March.

F. Date of Next Meeting: At the Royal Oak, Eydon 8 pm Monday 4th April 2016.

Speaker: Graham Pattenden on Col Fred Burnaby, a Victorian Soldier and Traveller.

Transport to Eydon: Should anyone need a lift, please contact the Secretary.

G. Flag Flying Days:    April 21st  Queen’s Birthday

                                        April 23rd  St George’s Day