poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

Byfield & District's Christmas dinners in recent years

Confusion reigned in 2020, and 2021 and because of the Covid pandemic (well, that's our excuse it seems) no Branch Christmas dinners were held. However, one was arranged for 2022 but cancelled at the last minute - Covid lethargy reigns!

A week or so before, what with Boddy Res's dam overflowing onto the road beneath and Doll's Hill being dug up by the gas man, getting to The Plough in Upper Boddington for our 2019 Christmas Party looked like being a challenge, AND it was Friday the thirteenth! In the end, although Woodford Road was still closed, the flood had subsided and everyone booked made it to the pub. Luckily we had a record of what food had been pre-ordered a month ago because of course, everyone forgot. The pub was warm and cosy and the food of Master Chef quality in presentation and taste (but not cost). Liquid refreshment flowed, absent friends toasted and the company of seventeen were convivial, with the conversation (largely) avoiding the General Election of the previous day. Many other subjects were covered however from friends with "pet" swans to rescued mature terriers. Times spent "working" overseas were remembered, the trials of owning vintage motorcycles and the "local" muscle car café, the Caffeine & Machine. All in all it was a good precursor to Christmas.


CHRISTMAS DINNER? Well, ours was on the evening of Thursday 20th December 2018 and this year we were back in Badby. Badby is inappropriately named because its a pretty little Cotswoldsy village just up the road towards Daventry (see below); nothing wicked about it, unless you count the notorious activities of a randy Abbot eight hundred years ago.   As your scribe couldn't be there, he's awaiting reports and supporting images from those who were, to record here, later, whenever...

Lipsmakinfingerlikinmerrymaking yuletide FUN... CHRISTMAS DINNER 2017 was held in The Griffin Inn, Chipping Warden on Thursday evening 21st December. Seasonal sickness reduced our numbers slightly but we still managed to field sixteen revelers. The food was good and the service friendly and quick; a good time was had by all. Images below include the partygoers, the Landlord, Andy, also an ex Serviceman and our Russ thanking mine host for helping make the evening a happy and contented one, AND the menu, just to make the mouths of the outlanders, who may be reading this, water - and be envious of the value for money we enjoy in this area. The beer's good too...

 Griffin 21-12-17 Gfriffin Andy & Russ  Griffin Christmas Dinner 2017                                                          Christmas Dinner Table

For our Christmas Dinner 2016, although we had been very well treated, fed and watered in pevious years just over our District border in Badby, a "new chef, refurbished pub and interesting menu" tempted us away this year, and we were also closer to home at the Fox and Hounds, Charwelton. Traditional Christmas fayre, with a tweak and a twist was served to eighteen Members and their ladies on a misty night in December, Thursday 15th to be exact; this time hats were worn, as can be seen in the image below...

2016 Christmas Dinner

The meal included three courses with choices of traditional British dishes, plus others with a continental twist, and some with an Asian tweak.

On the Sunday following, a small informal follow-up gathering was held at lunchtime in the boss's cottage, where party food and associated liquid refreshment was provided with some elegance and panache...

                                                               Ready For Art              Ready For Guests                                                 


On the evening of Thursday 17th December 2015, nineteen members, partners and representatives from The Womans' Section gathered at The Windmill pub in the village of Badby for our Christmas “do”. Although not by design but maybe conveniently, Badby is just outside our District in a northerly direction; you should not read anything into that because we think we are all too old to behave badly! Indeed an excellent meal with just the right amount of alcohol accompaniment was enjoyed; we must have been good because we were allowed back after the previous TWO years.

As usual, there was something mouth watering for everyone; traditional, seasonal, local, savoury, sweet. For example: parsnip and cider soup, casseroled venison, cinamon cheesecake or twice baked goats cheese soufflé, chestnut, walnut and rocket linguine, chocolate and orange mousse, or of course, smoked salmon, turkey and Christmas pud!

Toasts were made, the wine flowed, the designated drivers imbibed Adam's Ale and the assembled company were infused with a party atmosphere, as indicated in the image below - the vacant space is Alan's, who took the photo. Hey! There were crackers but where are the hats? Windmill Christmas dinner 2015