poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

October 2022's Meeting

The evening opened with a very interesting talk given by member Brian Scott on the Catesby Tunnel Project. See our Who has Spoken Web page herein, and scroll-down.

Item 1: Matters arising from previous minutes

Bob C had e-mailed all members. Around 16 have advised that they would like to join in and a date of Friday 9 December 2022 was agreed by members present.

Bob will get menus from the Red Lion Hellidon and Fox & Hounds Charwelton, and will look at booking availability at these two hostelries.

 Item 2: Finance statement end September 22

  • C/A to end September is healthy
  • Bank signatories have been amended. Bob, David B and Chris K are the current signatories, with all Bank correspondence now going to David.
  • A question had been raised by a member as to why the BFI account balance was so high. This is because it is RBL central funds available to the branch to use upon written request, and subject to then receiving approval and permission centrally. The balance has built up over the years mainly due to interest. The branch needs to have ideas on how these funds could be utilised.

Item 3: Branch Community Support update

  • Chris K advised that he still does not have access to the RBL portal to enable the quarterly BCS report to be made.
  • He has had a request from a member regarding a Byfield ex forces resident, and will make contact as soon as possible.
  • Please remember that if anyone knows of anyone in the district that needs help to let him know. Tel: 01327 261778 and / or email: k11crk@btinternet.com

Item 4: Self-declaration for Branch roles

  • This will be carried forward to the November AGM meeting.

RBL Membership has asked branches to support their reasons for the new Self -declaration form, which are shown as an appendix to these Minutes.

Item 5: Remembrance Sunday

Bob advised that he will be in London over Remembrance Sunday weekend and asked for a volunteer to make Remembrance Sunday arrangements for Byfield.

John R, BEM volunteered to undertake all arrangements if he could be given all necessary formats. Alan Bailey will visit John as soon as possible to hand such information to John, and David Bradshaw volunteered to support as needed.

Bob will contact Byfield School in regards to the children’s parade.

Our member Ali T has sent in the below information for Woodford Halse Remembrance Sunday arrangements where the District Standard will be paraded this year.

The horses will parade around the village this year including being led by a Driven Horse and appropriately decorated Trap. They will join the back off the parade that will start at 10:00 hrs from Station Court, that will be led by the RBL Standard and Bearer, followed by Serving personnel and Veterans, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Explorers. The parade will walk up to the church (hopefully lined by the wonderful knitted poppy display that is displayed each year) for the Service beginning at approx. 10:15 hrs, with the Act of Remembrance at the War Memorial at 11:00 hrs with Mark Thorne reading the Roll of the Fallen on behalf of the RBL.

Tea, coffee and biscuits follow in the Dryden Hall, with Fleur de Lys opening for the afternoon with suitable entertainment (normally a singer who performs the old-time war songs and we all have song sheets, not yet organised so not to be advertised!). Last year a bugler popped in to play the Last Post and Reveille, who knows what may happen this year.

Item 6: Quiz night November 2022 (ongoing discussions)

  • Friday 18 November 22 is confirmed and Byfield Village Hall has been firmly booked. An alcohol licence is confirmed.
  • Bob has compiled the questions, will host on the night and has sourced the scorers / runners. Caroline to print the Joker and Answer sheets.
  • The PTA has confirmed that they will be there to deliver bacon butties on the evening, and have asked for an idea of numbers nearer the event.
  • Jane H and Alison B will run a raffle.
  • Graham W & Chris K will arrange & run the bar on the night, and Brian S advised that his wife, Claire, will be available to assist.
  • Rob C has nearly completed the posters. Bob will post a copy on Facebook and Ali has volunteered put it on the Woodford Halse Community Page and the Eydon Page on Facebook. Rob will put up posters around Byfield over the coming weeks, to include Byfield Surgery, Cross Tree pub, Byfield Co-op, Petrol Station, and Fleur de Lys Woodford Halse.
  • The event was advertised in the recent Byword edition.
  • Price will be held at £10 per table of 4. John R, BEM to sit with scorers and collect monies as question sheets are collected.
  • Set up of the hall will commence at 18:30 and volunteers to help are always welcome.

Item 7: Galanos House Christmas run (ongoing discussions)

  • Alan B has still been unable to make contact with the Riders branch, and has, of yet, received no update for this year. Alan will let us have the date as soon as it is released so that we may try and publicise this more widely and receive more donations to take on the day.
  • Alan is the donated gift recipient. Alan consented to his phone number and address being given out as required in this regard.

Item 8: County Conference 21 January 2023

The annual county conference will be held at the Chambers of West Northants Council (old County Hall) starting at 10:30. No members present expressed a wish to attend.

Item 9: Recording and broadcasting speakers

We had been hoping that Kevin Tobin, Membership Support Officer, Oxon & Northants would have been in attendance, and we would have asked his opinion on this question received from a member.

However, after consideration, the committee believes that it wishes to encourage attendance and engagement from members, and does not think that broadcasting speakers supports this aim.

Item 10: Update from Kevin Tobin

Unfortunately, Kevin Tobin did not turn up on the night, and so no update was received.

We could not ask another member question about the problems he had been having with the RBL online membership portal.

The portal does give the following as contact details:

UK Helpline (free from UK landlines and main mobile networks): 0800 3077 773

Monday to Sunday 8am - 8pm, excluding Christmas Day and Boxing Day or email to membershipservices@britishlegion.org.uk.

Item 11: Any other business

  • Graham W, Chairman, expressed a desire to step down as Chair at next month’s AGM.
  • Bob C updated us on the trophies that he is currently in his home. The Village Hall committee has since advised that 1 display case may be put back in Byfield Village Hall.
  • Jane H asked if Mrs Buckle’s poppy wreath had been ordered, and Caroline C confirmed yes.
  • Jane requested a paper membership application form which Caroline handed to her. Online RBL member applications can be made through https://www.britishlegion.org.uk/get-involved/things-to-do/membership/become-a-member
  • David B advised that his wife Linda is being cremated at Banbury Crematorium, Southam Road. OX16 1ST, on 20 October 2022 at 11:00

Meeting closed 22:10

Date of next meeting:

  • Monday 7 November 2022 Byfield Village Hall Meeting Room 20:00.

This will also be the AGM and nominations are requested for Chair to allow the Branch to continue. Any member wishing to be considered please email Bob Cubitt at cubittbob@yahoo.co.uk or telephone 01327 262770.