poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

May 2022 Meeting

 Item 1.  Annual Quiz

Quiz night date Friday 29 April 2022.

  • Bob Cubitt to write thank you letters to all that supported / donated.
  • £501 taken on the night with the cost of the village hall to be deducted.
  • Monies were down on 2019 but the event was well attended and enjoyed.
  • PTA advised that they made a small profit on bacon butties and will be happy to help in future.
  • Members present voted to return to the usual November Quiz night, and Caroline Crewe will provisionally book the village hall for the first Friday after Remembrance Sunday – the date being Friday 18-November-2022. It was mentioned that we need to publicise our community events more broadly and will consider Byfield Community Facebook, other village magazines in addition to the Byword, and any other additional mediums that are thought of.

Item 2: Joy Rees farewell presentation

  • The lunch went off well on Friday 15-Apr-2022. Around 9-10 members were in attendance and John Russell presented Joy with her framed certificate. Thank you again to Joy for all her dedicated work over the years for the branch.
  • Bob Cubitt has some photographs that he will place on the RBL Facebook page.

 Item 3: BBQ Sunday 31 July 2022

  • Bob Cubitt has booked the School Hall and Field for the event. Byfield School has asked for a cleaning deposit to be paid which will be returned if the school hall is left as found on the day.
  • So far no-one has replied to Bob’s email of 7-Apr-2022 stating that they’d like to attend.
  • Bob Cubitt to send a further members’ email after Jubilee weekend giving a deadline of 1-Jul-2022 for numbers that do wish to come, so that food can be organised.
  • Invitations are for Members + 1. Suggestions made of disposable plates and cutlery with members to bring their own glasses/drinks. Salads / Rice / Cakes to be provided by members if possible
  • Chris Kiely will supply the BBQ, and has the branch gazebos.
  • Bob Cubitt will contact Tim Williams and ask if he will be BBQ chef on the day.

 Item 4: Branch Trip to Defford House and Museum

  • Again, no response to Bob Cubitt’s email of 5-Apr-2022 asking for members interest in a trip to Defford House and Museum on Tuesday 12 July 2022.
  • At the meeting a number of members did confirm interest and we can probably fill one DACT minibus.
  • David Bradshaw to pay DACT please. Alan Bailey to assist with this.
  • Bob Cubitt to send a further email to members with a cut off date of 31-May-2022 for responses.
  • Numbers and bookings to be confirmed at next meeting 6-Jun-2022.

 Item 5: Finance statement end April 22

  • David Bradshaw was absent from our meeting and so no update is available.
  • Alan Bailey to contact David Bradshaw.
  • Bank signatories need to be amended. David previously recommended that new signatories attend Barclays Banbury with him so the changes can be more easily made. David Bradshaw to arrange a suitable date & time for all. This is carried forward to the next meeting.

Item 6: RBL Platinum Jubilee ideas

  • Cllr Pom Boddington is acting as co-ordinator between groups who may be organising activities.

Working concept discussed at the meeting for children’s display at Byfield Village Hall on the afternoon of Saturday 4-Jun-2022:

  • 3 age groups – school years covering ages 4-6, 7-9 and 10-12
  • 2 small prizes in each age range. Book tokens of £10 and £5 each x 3. This expense was approved by all members present.
  • To be judged by 3 RBL members – President John Russell, Caroline Crewe and Wendy Thompson.
  • Entry theme is the Queen and her Armed Forces.
  • To make / paint / draw something to commemorate the Queen and her Armed Forces. Can be as simple or complex as materials / ability available.
  • One entry per child – either through their school or the Beavers/Cubs.
  • We need to source some labels for the day to name each entry, and arrange to book ourselves into Byfield Village Hall through the Byfield councillor co-ordinating all this.
  • Then we’ll look to advertise electronically through Byfield Community page, Byword, other village newsletters and word of mouth.


  • The beacon commissioned for the WW1 centenary was discussed. This was paid for by Byfield Parish Council.
  • Bob Cubitt has already emailed Byfield PC asking whether the beacon at Byfield will be lit on Friday 3-Jun-2022, and will chase again for a response.

Item 7: Speaker for meeting 1-Aug-2022

  • Graham Walker had provided a list of topics that Peter Stratton talks on. Those present elected for Crime & Punishment in Victorian Northamptonshire.
  • Bob Cubitt to contact Peter Stratton re availability in August.

Item 8: AOB

  • Jane Holland advised that she will attend the funeral of Elizabeth Spencer on behalf of the RBL branch on 12-May-2022.

Meeting closed 20:55

Date of next meeting: Monday 6 June 2022 Byfield Village Hall Meeting Room 20:00, with Bernard Tisley to open on the subject of Black Powder Weapons.