poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

June 2022 Meeting

Our Member Bernard Tisley gave a very interesting talk on Black Powder Weapons, see "Who has Spoken".

Committee Meeting started at 21:00

Chaired by Bob Cubitt, Secretary in Graham Walker’s absence.

 Item 1.  Matters Arising from previous minutes

Children’s Jubilee Competition feedback.

  • Many excellent entries giving a challenge to the judges.
  • Pictures are now on:
    • RBL website Children's Art Competition - Byfield & District in rural south west Northants,
    • also on RBL Byfield Facebook page
    • and the Byfield Village Community Facebook page
  • John Russell, President to attend Beavers/Cubs Jubilee Tea Party 5.30pm 7 June 2022 as an invited VIP.

Winners were:

5-6 age group: 1st Lacey Byfield School, 2nd Eloise Beavers

7-9 age group: 1st Leo Byfield School, 2nd Scott Beavers

10-12 age group:1st Taylor Byfield School, 2nd Geno Byfield School

Thank you to everyone who helped in any way to make this a good event.

The deputy head of Byfield School commented afterwards “It was a genuine pleasure to be involved with a village event – thank you for inviting us to take part.”

Proposed Branch Trip to Defford House and Museum

  • Bob Cubitt to send all members email asking for responses by Sunday 12 June 2022.
  • The cost for transport via DACT will be £13 per head. If you are a National Trust member, admission is free, and for everyone else, the cost will be an additional £13 entry fee per head.
  • We need 15 people to make the trip viable at the cost and we need firm numbers before we book the minibus.

BBQ Sunday 31 July 2022

  • Bob Cubitt to email all members again asking for responses by 30 June 2022
  • Bob Cubitt will contact Tim Williams and ask if he will be BBQ chef on the day.
  • Need to consider tables and chairs. Borrow from Village Hall?
  • Cost of £10 per head payable on the day.
  • Invitations are for Members + 1. Suggestions made of disposable plates and cutlery with members to bring their own glasses/drinks. Salads / Rice / Cakes to be provided by members if possible
  • Chris Kiely has the gazebos which may need replacing at a future time, and will need help transporting the BBQ’s to the school. Suggestion of asking Simon Shepherd?

Item 2: Finance statement end May 22

  • C/A end May 22 OK
  • Bank signatories need to be amended. This is in hand and being progressed.
  • RBL by laws will be checked on how the branch can spend its funds for next meeting.

Item 3: Speaker for meeting 1-Aug-2022

  • Peter Stratton confirmed for our August 22 talk on Crime & Punishment in Victorian Northamptonshire.

Item 4: AOB

  • David Bradshaw thanks John Russell, President, for attending the funeral of Elizabeth Spencer in his role as RBL Byfield & District President.
  • Caroline Crewe thanked both Bob Cubitt and Chris Kiely for representing the RBL at the recent Jubilee Church service.
  • Max Burnett advised that there will be an open day on Saturday 9 July 2022 at Gaydon to celebrate 100 Years of Ammunition Technical Training. Start time 12 noon. Please see attached flyer for further details.

Meeting closed 21:45

Date of next meeting: Monday 4 July 2022 Byfield Village Hall Meeting Room 20:00.