poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

December 2022's Meeting - & EGM


The minutes of the AGM on 7 November 2022 were read and agreed by all present.

Options for the future of the branch

Bob C advised that there were 3 options available to the branch:

  1. The branch closes if it cannot form a viable committee, and lays up its standard in the parish church. Branch funds are donated to RBL charities, and members will be absorbed into Daventry branch.
  2. The branch becomes a County Supported branch. The branch would have to meet at least twice a year, could retain its standard and organise events, but would have to request permission from the County Treasurer, currently Tyler Jeffs, to spend any funds. The branch would need to nominate 2 points of contact as there would be no official roles held.
  3. Remains a fully functional branch with the requirement for a Chair and Secretary, in addition to the Treasurer and BCO Officer who both agreed to remain in office at the AGM, to form a viable committee.

There followed much discussion and debate around the necessary completion of the MS1 forms, and the newly introduced requirement for all branch roles to sign to agree to DBS (criminal record) checks.

Ian Byrnes, the visiting RBL County Chairman, said that the RBL has become poor at communication and needs to improve. He is hoping to visit many branches in his county over the coming year.

He advised that the Form MS1 had been dictated by the central Membership Committee. Their rationale for introducing the DBS and credit worthiness statements has been the recent failures of a couple of high-profile charities, and this is an example of the RBL trying to think ahead.

Ian re-iterated that each RBL branch is a service supporting charity, and that any MS1 form submitted this year without all necessary signatures will be deemed non-compliant.

Ian did confirm that the statement reads “By signing below, I give my consent to RBL to conduct a Criminal Record check if so required”., and that it is very possible that no such check will be asked of branch officers. If a branch officer is so asked in the future, then they have the option of declining, and would have to step down from their committee role.

On the basis that if asked for a DBS check they would decline and have to stand down, both Bob Cubitt and Caroline Crewe offered to stand as Chair and Secretary respectively for a period of 1 year, with the proviso that assistance is received from other members.

Election of Committee Officers:

  • Bob Cubitt was proposed by Chris Kiely and seconded by David Bradshaw for the role of Branch Chair. All attendees raised their hands in agreement.
  • Caroline Crewe was proposed by Ali Thorne and seconded by Jane Holland for the role of Secretary. All attendees raised their hands in agreement.

Draft motion for the County Conference to be held on Saturday 21 January 2023 at the West Northants council chamber

Bob read out the below motion that had been discussed beforehand with Ian Byrnes, and this was approved by all present.

Motion Proposal for 2023 County/National Conference

MS1 Signatures: Self Declaration forms

This Conference affirms that the requirement to sign the MS1 Branch Information form has become intrusive and shows a lack of trust in branches to elect committee members of good standing. It is recognised that DBS checking for holders of certain posts within a branch is essential for the protection of the beneficiaries of the Royal British Legion who may be vulnerable. However, the blanket requirement for all committee members to complete a self-declaration form is not essential and adds nothing to security of the organisation or its beneficiaries.

Finding and keeping willing volunteers to serve on committees at branch level is becoming more and more difficult and the requirement to complete an intrusive form acts as a barrier to the recruitment of suitable volunteers. This in turn affects the viability of branches to remain self-governing, as without a committee they are not compliant with the Royal Charter or the RBL member’s handbook.

Result if passed:

The removal of a barrier to the recruitment of suitable volunteers to serve on branch committees and reduces the risk of branches having to close, or to become County Supported branches.

This Conference requires consent for all formations to be able dispense with self-declaration forms with immediate effect and to remove the requirement for them from the text of the MS1 Branch Information form.

Proposed By Byfield & District Branch RBL

Our branch can send one attendee to the County Conference, and it was agreed that Bob Cubitt would present our motion on our behalf.

Following the outcome to the EGM in that our branch now has a viable committee the agenda moved on to Outstanding and New business.

Outstanding business

Finance Report for November 2022

David B advised that the C/A has a healthy balance.

The final outcome of the Quiz night is not fully established, and David advised that he expects the profit from the evening to be in the region of £95.

BCS Report for November 2022

Chris K had no new updates.

However, he stated that he still cannot submit prior reports.

  • Ian Byrnes said that he will take this up with the RBL.

Branch Christmas dinner 2022

Bob had booked the Fox & Hounds, Charwelton, for 7pm on Friday 9 December 2022. After a show of hands around the attendees, and with some cancellation emails already received, it was decided to cancel the event.

  • Bob will arrange this, and advised that the branch can possibly look at doing something in January 23.

Remembrance Sunday

Bob and Caroline reported on the events in Byfield and Woodford Halse; see our Remembrance Web pages.

Quiz Night

16 tables on the evening.

Feedback was that the questions were more in the zone this year.

All that officiated on the night were duly thanked.

Annual Poppy Appeal

Last year raised £10,277. No update has yet been received from Major Tom, although he has indicated that in spite of some difficulties found by collectors, it is looking as if it may be another good year.

Galanos House Christmas run Sunday 18 December 22

Alan B advised that the Riders will set off from the Long Itch diner at 1.15pm. So far, no donations have been received.

  • It is hoped that members will all be able to make a small contribution.

New Business

Meeting dates 2023

It was agreed that no meeting will take place in January 2023.

  • Caroline will issue the 2023 meeting dates to members, and book Byfield Village Hall as necessary.

It was decided that 1 to 2 meetings annually will be held in other villages, and as Ali Thorne has already investigated a venue in Woodford Halse it is planned that the June 2023 meeting will be held at Woodford Halse Social Club.

  • Ali Thorne to book please.
  • To be carried forward to February 2023.

Speakers 2023

It was proposed that the first speaker in 2023 is to be at the March 2023 meeting.

  • Bob to find a suitable speaker.
  • To be carried forward to February 2023

Charles III coronation Sat 6 May 2023

Caroline contacted Byfield PC to see if they are thinking about anything for Byfield. The answer received is that the Parish Clerk will pass our question on for consideration, that the Council has a lot of bunting and may well get photos of King Charles to replace those of Queen Elizabeth on the A-boards used for her Jubilee.   

One possible idea is to use The Brightwell at some stage over the coronation weekend with the RBL gazebo, and operate a BBQ with food for sale to try and attract possible new members.

  • To be discussed further in February 2023, and ideas welcomed from our members.

Any Other Business

Jane H advised, following a conversation with Les J, that the name of Les's brother on the War memorial was not visible.

  • Bob to take photos of the names on the Byfield War Memorial

Ali Thorne asked who is responsible for maintaining the War Memorials, and was advised that these are the responsibility of each Parish Council.

  • Caroline will e-mail Woodford Halse Parish Council and request that they consider cleaning the Woodford Halse memorial.

Ian Brynes mentioned that the best kept War Memorial RBL competition will be returning in 2023; possibly early Autumn.

John R reminded all present of Peter Bickley’s funeral at Byfield Church on14 December 2022 at 11:00. John will wear his Presidential regalia. However, Chris is unavailable on this date to bear the Standard. Ian Byrnes gave Bob the name of another branch Standard Bearer that may be able to assist.

  • Bob to follow this up.

PS: In the absence of our branch Standard Bearer, Chris, it has now been arranged for the County Standard Bearer, Chris Barlow, to officiate at the funeral of Peter Bickley.

Meeting closed 22:05

Date of next meeting:

Monday 6 February 2023 Byfield Village Hall Meeting Room 20:00.









Election of Committee Officers:

  • Bob Cubitt was proposed by Chris Kiely and seconded by David Bradshaw for the role of Branch Chair. All attendees raised their hands in agreement.
  • Caroline Crewe was proposed by Ali Thorne and seconded by Jane Holland for the role of Secretary. All attendees raised their hands in agreement.


Draft motion for the County Conference to be held on Saturday 21 January 2023 at the West Northants council chamber

Bob Cubitt read out the below motion that had been discussed beforehand with Ian Byrnes, and this was approved by all present.


Motion Proposal for 2023 County/National Conference

MS1 Signatures: Self Declaration forms

This Conference affirms that the requirement to sign the MS1 Branch Information form has become intrusive and shows a lack of trust in branches to elect committee members of good standing. It is recognised that DBS checking for holders of certain posts within a branch is essential for the protection of the beneficiaries of the Royal British Legion who may be vulnerable. However, the blanket requirement for all committee members to complete a self-declaration form is not essential and adds nothing to security of the organisation or its beneficiaries.

Finding and keeping willing volunteers to serve on committees at branch level is becoming more and more difficult and the requirement to complete an intrusive form acts as a barrier to the recruitment of suitable volunteers. This in turn affects the viability of branches to remain self-governing, as without a committee they are not compliant with the Royal Charter or the RBL member’s handbook.

Result if passed:

The removal of a barrier to the recruitment of suitable volunteers to serve on branch committees and reduces the risk of branches having to close, or to become County Supported branches.

This Conference requires consent for all formations to be able dispense with self-declaration forms with immediate effect and to remove the requirement for them from the text of the MS1 Branch Information form.

Proposed By Byfield & District Branch RBL


Our branch can send one attendee to the County Conference, and it was agreed that Bob Cubitt would present our motion on our behalf.


Following the outcome to the EGM in that our branch now has a viable committee the agenda moved on to Outstanding and New business.


Outstanding business

Finance Report for November 2022

David Bradshaw advised that the C/A has a balance of £1,690.53.

The final outcome of the Quiz night is not fully established, and David advised that he expects the profit from the evening to be in the region of £95.


BCS Report for November 2022

Chris Kiely had no new updates.

However, he stated that he still cannot submit prior reports.

  • Ian Byrnes said that he will take this up with the RBL.





Branch Christmas dinner 2022

Bob Cubitt had booked the Fox & Hounds, Charwelton, for 7pm on Friday 9 December 2022. After a show of hands around the attendees, and with some cancellation emails already received, it was decided to cancel the event.

  • Bob Cubitt will arrange this, and advised that the branch can possibly look at doing something in January 23.


Remembrance Sunday

Bob Cubitt advised that there was a time issue with the Byfield children’s attendance at the War Memorial, but luckily Alan Bailey was present at the correct time and officiated. Our thanks are given to Alan.

Ali Thorne advised that Remembrance Sunday in Woodford Halse had gone very well. They had 19 veterans parading behind the branch standard. The horses paraded around the village led by a Driven Horse and appropriately decorated Trap. They joined the back of the parade that was led by the RBL Standard and Bearer, followed by serving personnel, 19 Veterans, Scouts, Cubs, Beavers and Explorers. The parade walked to the church lined by the knitted poppy display.

Caroline Crewe advised that attendance at Byfield Church seemed to be a little down on previous years. The ceremony at the Byfield War Memorial went well with John Russell and Bishop Ed officiating, and the Scouts, Beavers and Cubs were present with their respective flags.

An email of thanks has already been sent to Bishop Ed by Caroline Crewe, and John Russell was also thanked for his part.


Quiz Night

16 tables on the evening.

Feedback was that the questions were more in the zone this year.

All that officiated on the night were duly thanked.


Annual Poppy Appeal

Last year raised £10,277. No update has yet been received from Major Tom, although he has indicated that in spite of some difficulties found by collectors, it is looking as if it may be another good year.


Galanos House Christmas run Sunday 18 December 22

Alan Bailey advised that the Riders will set off from the Long Itch diner at 1.15pm. So far, no donations have been received.

  • It is hoped that members will all be able to make a small contribution.


New Business

Meeting dates 2023

It was agreed that no meeting will take place in January 2023.

  • Caroline Crewe will issue the 2023 meeting dates to members, and book Byfield Village Hall as necessary.

It was decided that 1 to 2 meetings annually will be held in other villages, and as Ali Thorne has already investigated a venue in Woodford Halse it is planned that the June 2023 meeting will be held at Woodford Halse Social Club.

  • Ali Thorne to book please.
  • To be carried forward to February 2023.


Speakers 2023

It was proposed that the first speaker in 2023 is to be at the March 2023 meeting.

  • Bob Cubitt to find a suitable speaker.
  • To be carried forward to February 2023






Charles III coronation Sat 6 May 2023

Caroline Crewe contacted Byfield PC to see if they are thinking about anything for Byfield. The answer received is that the Parish Clerk will pass our question on for consideration, that the Council has a lot of bunting and may well get photos of King Charles to replace those of Queen Elizabeth on the A-boards used for her Jubilee.   

One possible idea is to use The Brightwell at some stage over the coronation weekend with the RBL gazebo, and operate a BBQ with food for sale to try and attract possible new members.

  • To be discussed further in February 2023, and ideas welcomed from our members.


Any Other Business

Jane Holland advised, following a conversation with Les Jones, that the name of Les Jones’s brother on the War memorial was not visible.

  • Bob Cubitt to take photos of the names on the Byfield War Memorial


Ali Thorne asked who is responsible for maintaining the War Memorials, and was advised that these are the responsibility of each Parish Council.

  • Caroline Crewe will email Woodford Halse Parish Council and request that they consider cleaning the Woodford Halse memorial.

Ian Brynes mentioned that the best kept War Memorial RBL competition will be returning in 2023; possibly early Autumn.


John Russell reminded all present of Peter Bickley’s funeral at Byfield Church on14 December 2022 at 11:00. John Russell will wear his Presidential regalia. However, Chris Kiely is unavailable on this date to bear the Standard. Ian Byrnes gave Bob Cubitt the name of another branch Standard Bearer that may be able to assist.

  • Bob Cubitt to follow this up.

PS: In the absence of our branch Standard Bearer, Chris Kiely, it has now been arranged for the County Standard Bearer, Chris Barlow, to officiate at the funeral of Peter Bickley.



Meeting closed 22:05


Date of next meeting:

Monday 6 February 2023 Byfield Village Hall Meeting Room 20:00.