poppy field

Byfield & District Branch

Chairman’s Opening Remarks

Alan Bailey, acting Chair, welcomed the members present to the meeting and reflected on a difficult year partly due to covid-19 pandemic, and partly due to some long-standing active members no longer being with us.

The Act of Remembrance was spoken.


Minutes of the AGM 2019 and 2020

Alan read the minutes of the AGM’s of 2019 and 2020. Both sets of Minutes were taken as correct.


Matters arising from previous AGM Minutes

  1. The RBL blue gazebo is stored with Chris Kiely
  2. Lunch for Joy Rees and Terry Hoyle has been arranged for Friday 19 November 2021 at Hellidon Lakes Golf and Spa Hotel at 12:30.
  • Alan has certificates for both Joy & Terry that he will arrange to get framed.


Treasurers Report

  1. The accounts were audited and approved last month
  2. No Branch administration fee will be paid
  3. Usual donation to be made to Byword £50
  4. Usual donation to DACT (Daventry Area Community Transport) £30


Branch Community Support

Jane Holland kindly keeps contact unofficially with a number of older members on a regular basis but otherwise other, than occasional bumping into members, there has not been the manpower to follow this through.


Poppy Appeal and Remembrance Sunday

Last year’s Poppy Appeal closed at £4,669.90 which in a “locked-down” year was a good result.

This year’s Poppy Appeal is well underway with Tom Smith as area Poppy Appeal Organiser and his band of village co-ordinators and collection volunteers.

The Byfield schoolchildren will lay the crosses at Byfield War Memorial around 9:10am on Friday 12 November 2021. This year it has been arranged that the children will write the names to be remembered themselves.

  • Rob Crewe to remove old wreaths and tidy the area prior to this and Remembrance Sunday
  • Chris Kiely will parade the RBL standard on Sunday 14 November 2021.

Church Remembrance service will be held at Byfield Church at 10:00 after which members present will make their own way to the Byfield War Memorial for 11:00.

  • RBL Byfield and District wreath to be laid by Rob Crewe.
  • Refreshments will now NOT be served in the Main Village Hall afterwards due to covid-19 concerns.


Election of Officers

  • President – John Russell BEM to remain in office. Alan Bailey proposed. Chris Kiely seconded
  • Chair – Graham Walker. David Bradshaw proposed. Bob Cubitt seconded
  • Vice Chair – no nominations
  • Secretary – Alan Bailey to continue for another 6-8 months. Proposed by Chris Kiely. Seconded by David Bradshaw.
  • Vice Secretary – Caroline Crewe to support Alan for 6-8 months. Proposed Bob Cubitt. Seconded Jane Holland
  • Membership Secretary – Graham Pattenden. Although Graham was not at the meeting it is known that he hopes to resume light duties in the New Year and that he does not wish to relinquish the role. This role will be undertaken by both Alan Bailey and Caroline Crewe for a few more months.
  • Standard Bearer – Chris Kiely to remain in office. Proposed Caroline Crewe. Seconded Rob Crewe

Bob Cubitt will kindly continue with our Website and Facebook page updates, and Jane Holland is happy to remain informally keeping contact with older RBL members in and around Byfield.


  • It was generally proposed, and agreed, that a letter should still go to all members to ask for their help and support where possible in the future to enable the branch to strengthen and acquire more active members. It is essential that a branch Secretary is found within the next 6-8 months to replace Alan Bailey, or the branch will find itself back at square one. To be drafted by Caroline Crewe and approved and signed by the President and the Secretary.


There be no other matters arising the AGM closed at 09:20


Matters arising from the Committee Meeting of 4 October 2021


Refurbishment of Byfield War Memorial

Jane Holland has not heard back from Santon Crowshaw the Byfield Parish Councillor with responsibilities for HS2.

Bob Cubitt will make an application to the War Memorials Trust for a 70% contribution. It was suggested that if we do get approved for a grant that we approach the Parish Council for 50% of the remaining cost.

  • Caroline Crewe to get the Stonemason quote from Alan Bailey to scan and pass to Bob Cubbitt.
  • Rob Crewe to take photos of the War Memorial to pass to Bob Cubbit.


RBL Quiz Evening Friday 26 November 2021

2 boxes of RBL merchandise have been received from the RBL Members Officer.

Bob Cubitt will check the Village Hall and advise if a projector, an easel / board & flipchart are still available.

  • Check whether Alison Hurst has raffle ticket books. If not, we may need to buy some
  • Alan Bailey to run the bar. John Russell to collect table monies. David Bradshaw will collect completed quiz sheets and Bobb Cubbitt has scorers ready for the evening
  • Alan Bailey to contact the PTA re bacon butties



Alan Bailey proposed buying a rose for the garden for Mrs Gibson at £20. John Russell seconded


Next Meeting

To take place on Monday 6 December 2021 in Byfield Village Hall at 20:00.


There being no further business, the acting Chair closed the meeting at 21:45