poppy field


Huge thank you to Paul Widdows for generously donating the copyright for his poignant poem 'Standing in Front of a Stone to the Somme' to the Buxton RBL Branch to use in support of our remembrance and fundraising activities.
The Poem was written in tribute to all the Buxton Boys who fell during the World Wars.
Standing in Front of a Stone to the Somme
We landed in Thiepal it was pouring with rain
We marched through the body's contorted in pain
We passed many soldiers who were deep in their slumbers
And horses by hundreds all killed in the limbers.
A body contorted over rusting barbed wire
The victim of snipers in the old village spire
And hospital stations the memory wont dim
Of cart upon cart of discarded limb.
I'm jogged to my senses when I reach the trench
Wading through mud and a terrible stench
Write your last wishes and final bequests
We're attacking at seven so go get some rest.
By candle I wrote to mother and dad
Told them that all's well and it not that bad
And told my beloved that I miss her dear
My billet is comfy as I'm at the rear.
I feel a slight tremble as we rose up to launch
My pal slaps my back and the feeling I staunch
Buxton boys ready! And were over the hill
The officers whistle calls the dawn shrill.
Tis the last I saw of my mates from the town
To a man the machine guns brought them all down
I survived only by a blast from a shell
But my mates from the quarry were blown all to hell.
Standing in front of a stone to the Somme
Good lads all good men gone
I lived on your tale to tell
Of the boys who marched to the Buxton bell.