poppy field


Truce 1914

On Christmas Day 100 year ago, after months of sniping and shelling, ChristmasTruce of 1914 brought silence to where Sergeant A. Lovell was positioned.

In his letter he wrote: “Climbing the parapet, I saw a sight which I shall remember to my dying day. Right along the whole of the line were hung paper lanterns and illuminations as to suggest that they were hung upon Christmas trees.”

Sergeant Lovell also described the moment when: “In the searchlight they stood, Englishman and German, chatting and smoking cigarettes together midway between the lines. A rousing cheer went up from friend and foe alike. The group was too far away from me to hear what was said, but presently we heard a cheery ‘Good night. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all’, with which the parties returned to their respective trenches. After, both sides continued to sing song for song for the whole night through.”










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Burbage Band  


Burbage Band Led the new recruits to the railway station, then they all signed up as a band.