poppy field

Buckhurst Hill


Thank you all for your support we raised enough to send two of our RBL to France to attend GP90



This is our fund raising link - 


Weʼre raising £1,000 to send two members of the Buckhurst Hill RBL Branch to the Grand parade at the menin gate in Belgium in August to carry our standard

We are raising funds to send two members to Ypres in Belgium in August 2018 to celebrate the centenary of the end of World War 1 and to ensure the Buckhurst Hill branches standard is displayed in the march and at the Menin gate to honour the men from Buckhurst Hill who gave their lives in ww1 and those who were wounded . To support this we are doing a 25 mile walk in March which is self funded to help raise funds , we will be walking from Festubert in France to Armentieres then onto the Menin gate

To raise funds we are walking 25 miles from France to Belgium on the 3/3/18 to 4/3/18 , we start in Festubert , this is personal to me because my grandad was in the Kings Royal Rifle Corp and this is where he was machine gunned and wounded in May between 15th and 18th 1915 at the Battle of Festubert in the first night attack of WW1.

We will visit the CWWG along the route and place a cross for rememberance some of those may have been his friends .See link on battle below -

you will need to cut and paste http://www.webmatters.net/txtpat/index.php?id=17

We will then walk 12 miles to Armentieres a route covered by many British Tommies up and down the frontlines we will place crossed en route and stay overnight in Armentieres as well as visit the CWWG there .On the morning of the 4/3/18 we will leave Armentieres and walk 13 miles to The Menin Gate , crossing the border into Belgium we will also visit CWWG on route .

Once we get to the Menin gate we will place a cross and remember those that were killed and still missing along with wounded .

We will then head back in the afternoon to get the ferry back to UK .

I have a team of four walkers at present they are Me ,served Royal Signals ,Lawrence Evans served Royal Signals , Tom Baird served Royal Marines and one other to be confirmed and a driver my wife Janice served Royal Signals to move the vehicle to locations, we have funded this ourselves , so please help me and my team raise funds for the main event in August , Jeff