poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Broomfield

Broomfield Branch has to date raised £15,862.51 for the 2014 Poppy Appeal. A big thank you to the residents of Broomfield and to those stalwarts staffed our stand in Morrisons over the October 2013 Poppy Season when we raised £5,909.22.

So well done everybody, and a big Thank You to all the people of Broomfield who have been so generous again. 

Poppy People

Anyone interested in helping in the next Poppy Appeal, either at your place of work, collecting in your street or assisting us on our stand at Morrisons (from 25th October to 8th November 2014) should contact our Poppy Appeal Coordinator Peter Watson via the branch or by phone on: 01245 440174.