poppy field


The Poppy Appeal in Bromyard


Initial returns for the 2023 appeal indicate that it will be another record breaking year. The total donated via the card machine (£2033.50) in the Tenbury Road Co-op was the highest in Herefordshire - thank you Bromyard. Final figure to follow when available.


The final, record breaking, figure for the Bromyard Poppy Appeal is £11,513 for which grateful thanks are due to Poppy Appeal Organiser, Kevin Mylotte and the ever supportive Edgar Whitelely. The Branch would also like to thank the Tenbury Road Co-op and those who manned the stall there during Remembrancetide and of course those who donated so generously during difficult times.


The final figure for the Bromyard Poppy appeal is currently £11,288.00. Grateful thanks to our new Poppy Appeal Organiser, Kevin Mylotte and Edgar Whiteley for his unstinting support. The Branch would also like to thank members and supporters who generously gave their time to man the stall in the Co-op and our loyal donors.


The Bromyard Poppy Appeal 2020 realised the magnificent sum of £7,758.61 in spite of the reduced opportunities for raising funds. A huge thank you to Bromyard Poppy Appeal Organiser, Robin Wickens and his team, Edgar Whiteley and Kevin Mylotte for their dedicated efforts in co-ordinating the collection and of course to those who donated in difficult times.


Edgar Whiteley
