poppy field



Reguiny (Morbihan 56), 11 November and 42 members and friends of The Royal British Legion, Central Brittany Branch, gathered to pay their respects to our fallen servicemen.
Just prior to 11h00, the Branch Standard, carried by Dave Ball and accompanied by Branch Chaplain, Michael Grainger, joined the French procession from the Marie to the recently restored Church. The French party, which included the Local Mayor and a contingent of Pompiers, turned into the Church our procession carried on to the local Cemetery. There our Chaplain led the proceedings beginning with prayers and wreath-laying at the Grave of RAF pilot, John Clifford, who died nearby on his 28th birthday in July 1944. Wreaths were laid by John Dearden and Steve Wake and the Last Post was played by David Glossop, singing of the National Anthem was led by Carol Griffiths. After our own Ceremony we rejoined the French for a vin d'honneur in the Salle of Reguiny's Sports Bar.

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The Branch Standard leading the parade to the Church in Reguiny

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The grave of John Clifford. His family still have contact with Reguiny.

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Branch Standard bearer, Dave Ball, along with the French Community and the local Pompiers

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Stalwart members Steve Wake and Mick Berrill


Ceremony at Guerlogoden, near Pontivy, on 26th July. Nine members attended and John Dearden layed a Poppy wreath on behalf of the Branch. Jimmy Rowe carried the Standard


Remembrance of Resistance activities at Kerihuel, Plumelec on 12th July. Jimmy Rowe carried the Branch Standard

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VE Day at the War Memorial beside St Aignan church

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VE Day at St Aignan, wreath laying by M le Maire and branch chairman, Rodney Curtis

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VE Day at St Aignan, M le Maire gives his speech

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VE Day at St Aignan, in the Salle Polyvalente during the vin d'honneur Peter Simmons, branch member, talks to Kate Curtis, Branch Poppy Appeal Officer

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VE Day at St Aignan, the village doyenne with Rodney Curtis and branch member, Dick Haines

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VE Day at St Aignan, standards - including the Branch Standard, are presented at the ceremony