poppy field


Albert Durrant

Albert Durrant

Official Number:  Chatham 195540

Served with the Royal Navy


Born:   25 April 1878 in Hickling Heath, Norfolk

Died:  16 April 1949

Date of Commencement of Service: 23rd August 1897 as a ‘Boy 2nd Class’

Date of Termination of Service: 23rd September 1920 as a Chief Petty Officer

Albert Durrant served on various battleships, cruisers and a corvette including HMS Lord Nelson which was the ship he was serving on during the Dardenelles campaign.  He was also serving aboard HMS Chester when she led the German Fleet to surrender at Scapa Flow in February 1919.

The substantive ratings held by Albert Durrant were Seaman Gunner, Gunlayer and Turret Director and Chief Petty Officer.  He was granted the Long Service Medal and Good Conduct Medal (awarded 1913).

During WW2 Albert served as Section Leader in the Lower Halstow, Kent branch of the Home Guard between 14 May 1940 and 22 December 1944.