poppy field


2017 Archived Notices



Please note that both the Christams Lunches are now fully booked.

Rbl Flags

"To all members of the Central Brittany Branch, The Royal British Legion. At this time of remembrance I would like to wish you all the best for the future and our unconditional support, whatever your situation".

Kindest Regards to you all.


David Bashford



The response to the proposed Christmas meal has been staggering, to say the least. Over 60 responded positively. (Previous years we have had low 30’s attending).

The venue can only hold 40 comfortably and rather than disappoint some of you the decision has been made to hold two meals, one on Tuesday 12th December and one on Monday 18th December, the functions will be identical in every respect.

As your Chairman, I will, of course, have to attend both events!
As entertainment, the Rhythm buddies have been confirmed for both dates.

Its decision time: either the 12th of the 18th December 2017.

Please email me with your preferred date. If you are easy and either date will do, please tell me, and that will give me a degree of flexibility, I would like two equal numbers for catering purposes. Some of you may even like to attend both, but I will have to close the book at 80.

Please email the Chairman using chairman@rblbrittany.fr


Tuesday 12th December 12.30 hrs

le Moulin de Pont, Pont Samoel, Silfiac 56480

We have been asked to investigate the possibilities of a more ‘Traditional’ Christmas Dinner for this year.
Yesterday, some members of the committee ‘Test Drove’ the ‘Le Moulin de Pont’ at Pont Samoel and were all suitably impressed to recommend it to you.
The lakeside location is beautiful and the restaurant offer a warm, cosy atmosphere.
The Proprietors are English and know what a Christmas meal looks like!
I have reproduced below the suggested menu, which comes ‘all in’ at 25 euros per head. The Branch will continue the tradition of subsidising fully paid up members by 5 euros, so for members that is 20 euros per head.
Aperitif, on arrival:
Kir Breton
Prawn Cocktail or Parsnip and Apple soup.
Festive Carvery:
Festive stuffing
Choice of five vegetables
Cauliflower cheese
Roast potatoes
Veggie option available
Traditional Christmas Pudding
Red/White/Rosé wine on the table
Christmas crackers and party poppers
Bar available
The venue will be ‘Decked out’ Christmas style with wood burner for added ambiance.
Musical entertainment by ‘Rhythm Buddies’
We need to get an idea for booking confirmation purposes fairly quickly (next Wednesday!)
If you would like to attend, please email the Chairman at chairman@rblbrittany.fr at your earliest convenience.
I will also take bookings at the September Social, this Tuesday, 5th September, 2017.
Have a nice weekend and kindest regards to you all.
David Bashford
NEWSLETTER - 28th July 2017
Although this is very short notice, there is a commemoration on Saturday morning the 29th of July at 10.30 am, for an American pilot (Charles Kern) who was shot down on August the 2nd  1944. The ceremony takes place at Crénihuel, Boulevard Charles H. Kern, just off the new road to the Pontivy hospital. (The American flag can be seen form the mail road).  If you would like to attend, please contact Rodney Curtis, Vice-Chairman on vicechairman@rblbrittany.fr or 02 97 39 60 69.
We are looking forward to seeing you at the next social, as usual at the Relais de L’Oust, on Tuesday next, where we will have the usual tables, raffle and a game of bingo.
Also, don’t forget we are meeting for a Thai lunch at the Sawadee buffet restaurant, opposite the big Intermarché in Pontivy on August the 24th, at 12 noon. To book, (essential) please contact the Chairman, David Bashford on chairman@rblbrittany.fr
On another subject, if you happen to have any old sterling £1 coins, you should try to spend them quickly, as they will cease to be legal currency after this August or September. If you have any old £5 notes, they can only be redeemed through a bank (as can the coins after they ceases to be legal currency).
Scam - beware. We have received the following information from the RNA;(as received -) “ cartevitale warning – I had an email yesterday from Ameli (or what it appeared to be) stating they were upgrading the carte vitale and asking me to send 2 pieces of documentation and a RIB. I was a bit suspicious so looked it up and it is a fraudulent email to try to get your details. So thought it would be a good idea to warn you all.”
Very best wishes to you all,
David Bashford


Monthly Social - We will be meeting for the usual social on Tuesday 4th July at the Au Relais de l’Oust at 1230hrs. Ginny will be bringing a selection of crafts including her hand made aprons. The quiz will have a ‘Summer’ theme.

August Meal - Pamela and I have ‘Test driven’ the Sawadee Thai Restaurant in Pontivy and were suitably impressed to book 30 seats for Thursday 24th August 1200hrs. Please book you seats through Pamela or myself.

Diary Dates - I have produced below, a programme that will take us through until the AGM (already!!)

4th July 2017 - 1230hrs Social – Summer Quiz - Au Relais de I’Oust - Josselin

1st August 2017 - 1230hrs Social – Bingo - Au Relais de I’Oust - Josselin

24th August 2017 - Meal – Thai - Sawadee Restaurant, Pontivy (opposite Intermarche) - Book through Chairman please chairman@rblbrittany.fr

5th September 2017 - 1230hrs Social – Name that Tune - Au Relais de I’Oust - Josselin

3rd October 2017 - 1230hrs Social – Quiz - Au Relais de I’Oust - Josselin

24th October 2017 - Meal – TBA

November AGM - Date to be confirmed

NEWSLETTER - 2nd June 2017 

June 6th is the date of the usual social at the Relais de L’Oust, starting about noon. This time, there will be a quiz as well as the usual raffle.

June 15th (a Thursday) is the date of the next lunch at the Lantern Rouge in Pontivy. To book, please contact Basha chairman@rblbrittany.fr  

June 17th  The commemoration of the loss of the Lancastria, 77 years ago, when many civilian and military lives were lost. We will meet at the monument at 10.45 am. For further information, please contact Rodney, vicechairman@rblbrittany.fr

NEWSLETTER - 26th April 2017

TROC & PUCES - This Sunday, the 30th April 2017, at the Salle Drosera, Plumeliau, doors open 1000hrs until 1700hrs.

Hot and cold food, beer, wine, soft drinks, coffee and tea will be available.

A variety of stallholders have booked in, so there will be something for everyone.

Live music will be there to entertain us throughout the afternoon.

Please come along and support the Branch, you will be made very welcome.

Calling all home producers, would you like to bring your plants, eggs, jams, chutneys etc to sell at the May social. Make a few euros for yourselves and give a small donation to the Welfare fund. Please contact Pam to arrange welfare@rblbrittany.fr

Gardeners among you – beware!! In case you don’t already know, the last frosts SHOULD be during the period of Saint-Glace, which this year is between May the 11th to the 13th. The dates vary each year.

Water-lilies – if you have a pond and would like some water-lilies, please do come and collect some from us at La Lande de Boloré 56480, Saint-Aignan, but remember to ring or email first to make sure we are here. Tel 02 97 39 60 69, poppyappeal@rblbrittany.fr

A small donation to the Poppy Appeal would be welcome, but not necessary.


April 30th - Troc & Puces - Salle Drosera, Plumeliau 1000-1700hrs

May 2nd - Monthly Social - 1230hrs - Au Relais de I’Oust - Josselin - Bingo

June 6th - Monthly Social - 1230hrs - Au Relais de I’Oust - Josselin - Dorothy’s quiz

June 15th - Chinese meal - Lantern Rouge, Pontivy, Please book through the Chairman chairman@rblbrittany.fr

FUTURE MEALS - If you know of a good eating establishment that could cater for 30 people at a reasonable price and would like to organise a get together please contact the Chairman.

David Bashford


EASTER NEWSLETTER - The Committee would like to wish all members and friends a happy and peaceful Easter.

Just a reminder that we will be meeting in the Lantern Rouge in Pontivy at 1200hrs on the 18th April 2017, please let the chairman know if you would like to attend, we have 24 booked in at present - chairman@rblbrittany.fr

The Troc will be taking place on the 30th April 2017 at the Salle Drosera, Plumeliau, doors open at 1000hrs and close at 1700hrs - download A3 Poster

Books. We have been inundated with books and cannot accept any more, the cellar is full! Please do not bring any more books to the monthly socials.

David Bashford - Chairman

TROC ET PUCES - 30th APRIL 2017 - Plumeliau 10am - 5pm will now include acoustic duo Vikki & Dave - The Rhythm Buddies - playing live on the afternoon.

Troc Et Puces 2017

NEWSLETTER (Extra) - March 2017

ALL CHANGE FOR SAINT-NAZAIRE - A new up-dated invitation has been received for the Saint-Nazaire ceremony commemorating the 75th anniversary of the raid (Operation Chariot) by British Commandoes in 1942 on Tuesday March the 28th.

We will need to assemble in front of the monument in the rue Hippolyte Durand-Gasselin by 11.20 am for the ceremony starting at 11.30.

The Chairman will lay a wreath on our behalf and the Standard will be present.

Further information is available from Rodney Curtis – email vicechairman@rblbrittany.fr or telephone 02 97 3960 69.

STOP PRESS - Chinese Meal - By popular demand we will be going back to the Lantern Rouge in Pontivy on Tuesday 18th April at 1200 hrs (I am aware it is the day after the Easter bank holiday)

Names to the Chairman at chairman@rblbrittany.fr by Monday 17th April please.

POPPY APPEAL - If anyone requires wreaths for this year and would like to order quickly, we MAY be able to have them delivered to us free of the extra postage costs. (Now the postage to France is about £10 a wreath).

To order please contact  email – poppyappeal@rblbrittany.fr or telephone 02 97 39 60 69.

NEWSLETTER - March 2017

The ‘Name that TV advert’ was well received at the last social and we will do something similar in April, but maybe only 20 tunes, not 40.

Again the Chinese meal went down well and we will do it again on Thursday 15th June, names to the Chairman please.

The next social will be on the 7th March and we will be trying a Bingo session after the meal, Dave Belsten will be organizing that.

There will be the normal raffle and Tricia will be bringing her display of quality greetings cards

The Troc will be on 30th April and we are still after helpers, please contact either Ann Thompson or the Chairman if you can spare a few hours.

From our Welfare Secretary:

If anyone would like to book the Welfare table for a small donation please contact me - welfare@rblbrittany.fr

Anyone that makes crafts or produce i.e. Eggs, Veg, Plants, Jam, Chutney etc it would be good to have some variety at the socials or perhaps you are just having a sort out at home.

Look forward to hearing from you, Pamela

CEREMONIAL - 28th March 2017

As this year is the 75th anniversary of Operation Chariot at Saint-Nazaire, there are a number of events planned, both here in France and in Great Britain. At Saint-Nazaire, events start on Sunday, March the 26th. The Chairman and the Standard will be present at ceremonies on the morning of March the 28th, starting at 10 am at the Old Mole, which was one of the landing points for the Commandoes in 1942, followed by the more formal ceremony at 11am in the same place. Everyone is welcome and I can send further information to anyone interested. Email - Rodney Curtis - vicechairman@rblbrittany.fr or telephone 02 97 39 60 69.

NEWSLETTER - 2nd February 2017

It will be lovely to meet you again at the first social of the New Year on February the 7th if you can make it. As usual, it is at the Relais de L’Oust near Josselin starting around noon. Please do come if you can. The usual Book, Poppy Appeal and Welfare tables will be there, and a new attraction, ‘Name that Tune’.

A reminder, a Chinese meal has been booked at the Lanterne Rouge in Pontivy on February the 21st. Only 30 places are reserved, for us, so please don’t delay in booking with Basha.

Happy New Year from your Chairman, Basha.

On another subject, if you would like one of the recipe booklets we were ‘selling’ at the last social in aid of Cancer Relief, please contact Kate urgently so she can order more, they are becoming in short supply - Kissmekate1@orange.fr


On behalf of the Committee I would like to wish all members, friends and families of the Central Brittany Branch, The Royal British Legion a very Happy Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year.
David Bashford

TROC ET PUCES - 30th APRIL 2017 - Plumeliau 10am - 5pm. Please book tables through Ann Thomson: publicity@rblbrittany.fr - Tables are 4€ for 1m 10 - Telephone 0297518991. For a letter explaining how to go about reserving a table and for the reservation form please click the links below.

Information Letter / Reservation Form

Remember to check with Ann on 0297518991 to make sure that there are spare tables before sending in the form.

NEWSLETTER - 27th November 2016

This is my first Newsletter as your new Chairman and I would like to, once again, thank those members who have volunteered their time to stand as Committee Members, without you we would not have a Branch.

I am sorry to have to tell you that Susan Lace passed away on Wednesday night and our condolences and deepest sympathy go out to Geoff and his family. Geoff was our Treasurer and it is my intention to attend Susan’s funeral with Pamela, Rodney, Kate, Gordon and Suzanne. I will publish details of the funeral when I have them.

Rodney has suffered some minor strokes during the past week and was hospitalised on Tuesday. I collected him this afternoon (Friday) to spend the weekend at home and the good news is he hasn’t got to go back, but he will be taking things easy for a few weeks.

At the AGM I highlighted a few changes I will be implementing at the Monthly Socials and the first one will be the February Social, we will be replacing the quiz with a session of ‘Name that Tune’. March will see a Bingo session….Watch this space for further exciting entertainment!!

The prizes for the Monthly Raffle will continue along the same theme introduced by Brian and Ann Lennon last year….5 decent prizes valued at about €6.00 each, nothing secondhand.


6th DECEMBER 2016 - The Christmas Draw will take place during this social, tickets will be available for about 30 minutes prior to the draw. There will also be Christmas items for sale including ‘Tricia with her Christmas cards. Come to the Relais de L’Oust and enjoy yourselves. It will also be your last chance to book for the Christmas Lunch on 15th December.

15th DECEMBER 2016 - Christmas Lunch will be at the Relais de L’Oust, starting at 12.30. The cost is 21.80€ for members and 26.80€ for non-members. Contact the Chairman to book your place by 6th December please.

JANUARY 2017 -  Remember there will be no social in January. Hotel closed. Please pass this around as there are some members not on email.

7th FEBRUARY 2017 - Social - ‘Name that Tune'

30th APRIL 2017 - TROC & PUCES - Plumeliau 10am - 5pm. Book tables through Ann Thomson: publicity@rblbrittany.fr - Tables are 4€ 1m 10 - Telephone 0297518991

CURRENCIES DIRECT - The Branch would also like to thank Currencies Direct (Calum Harkiss) for the support and sponsorship of our Branch.  CD have given us various prizes during the year and have also kindly donated a Flatscreen TV, Tom Tom Sat Nav and also a Tablet as the main prizes for this years Christmas event. Calum has pledged to support the Branch in 2017 and beyond and CD will make further donations to the Branch for any members who open accounts with them and trade.  For our Branch this is a win win situation as we save on our transfers and help generate additional funds for the Branch at the same time.  If anyone is interested in opening an account with Currencies Direct then please use the link below and don’t forget to quote Royal British Legion, Central Brittany Branch http://www.currenciesdirect.com/en/fr/

David Bashford - Chairman