poppy field


November 2016   Newsletter               

The Annual General Meeting of The Bracknell Branch of The Royal British Legion will be held on Wednesday 30th November 2016 at The Birch Hill Community Centre, Leppington, Birch Hill at 8.00 pm. All Members Welcome


AGM Meeting Agenda:


         Apologies for Absence

         Presidents Report

         Chairman's Report

         Adoption of Minutes of previous AGM 2014

         Treasurers  Report – Incl.  Adoption of Branch’s Audited Annual Financial Statement.

         Membership Report

         Ceremonial Report

         Poppy Appeal Report

         Welfare Report

         Election of Branch Committee / Delegates for National Conference / County Conference      

         Date of next Meeting


Membership 2016 / 2017 – Subscriptions are now due for 2016 / 2017 and are set at £20.00 (£17.00 for RBL Headquarters and £3.00 for Branch.) Those who pay their subs by cash will have received correspondence from Head Office on methods of payment.  Should you have any problems please contact our Membership Secretary Mrs C Hazard Mobile: 07712680902

21 Waterham Road Bracknell RG12 7NE.  Who will be able to help you with your payment.


Branch  Committee

Should any member wish to join  Branch Committee   please contact the Hon. Secretary on Tele No: 01344 489428  Mobile No: 07857817550 or Email: sandiebaily@hotmail.co.uk  You will be warmly welcomed.                          


Poppy Appeal 2016 – This year’s Poppy Appeal is well under way and we wish our Poppy Appeal Organiser  Mr Bill Kimpton  continued success in his campaign. Total amount for 2015 / 2016 collected  £30, 868.98  If you wish to help Bill please contact him, his Mobile No: 07979878581


County Conference 2017 – The County Conference will be held on Saturday 21st January 2016 at Burghfield, Community Sports Association, James Lane, Burghfield, Reading RG30 3RS. The Conference will open at 11.00 am. Registration from 10.15 am.  Should any member like to attend please contact Hon: Secretary.