poppy field

Blyth, Northumberland



Gail Armstrong - Ex Women's Royal Naval Service 1981 to 1989.



I grew up in Lancashire and after basic training at HMS Dauntless and HMS Daedalus served as an Air Engineering Mechanic (AEM(M)) on Search and Rescue squadrons 771 at RNAS Culdrose and Lee SAR at HMS Daedalus. I then went on to work in the Air Engineering School Hangar. 

In 1986 I decided to recategorised to Education and Training Support (ETS) serving at Royal Naval College Greenwich and RNAS Portland. 

Some of my highlights were spending 5 days at sea (WRNS didn't go to sea back then unfortunately) on HMS Ark Royal as it sailed from Swann Hunter in Newcastle to Portsmouth for commissioning. I was part of an escort for a Fairey Swordfish we had at Daedalus they wanted to display on deck.

I also took part in the Queen's Colours Parade of 1,000 RN personnel and towed a Sea Fury through a housing estate in Gosport to and from respray at Fleetlands. ( I was a tractor driver too!)

After leaving the Service, I went to work in retail management and Adult Education/Training until 2016 when I set up my own business in art and illustration.

I am married to Michael Armstrong who is an ex RN Aircraft Engineering Artificer, born in Blyth and have two sons, three whippets and a five footed newt.

I never set out to become Branch Chairman for the RBL, but when the opportunity came out of the blue, it seemed to be my destiny. I now love being part of something where I can give back to those who need help.