poppy field


The History of the War Memorial Tablets at the Corn exchange and the Cross of sacrifice in Blandford Cemetery

The Tablets and the Cross of sacrifice where unveiled on Sunday 6th March 1921 by Lieut-General Sir Thomas Snow KCB and Dedicated by Rev FE Overton 

see newspaper cutting below



news paper cutting


 photos taken by Mr C.E Morton



Blandford War Memorial Tablets history in minutes.1948 to 1962

The Blanford RBL Branch have painstaking read through years of archived Branch monthly Minutes and Branch AGMs and we have found the following entries that relate to the war memorial Tablets, the outcome of the actions is not always recorded so the picture sometimes remains unclear yet it seems certain that The Blandford RBL Branch was instrumental in having the names of the fallen for the seconded WW added to the ww1 tablets a new bottom piece of bronze was added to the original tablets 




  Wednesday 27th October 1948 at 7:30 PM

 Agenda Item   Blandford Town Memorial

Mr. new asked that a resolution be sent to the town Council urging them to provide some kind of memorial tablet, similar to those now in place at the corn exchange, in respect of the first world war, in the memory of those who had fallen in the last war, it was agreed to unanimously  

Branch meeting

 Tuesday the 1ST Dec 1948 at 7.15pm

Agenda Item 1939/45 Names on Town War Memorial

The Hon Secretary reported he had written to the Town Council and had seen the Mayor Mr. Hart personally, who had assured him that the matter would have sympathetic consideration

Branch meeting

 Tuesday the 9th Feb 1949 at 7.15pm

Agenda Item war Memorial

A letter from the town clerk was read that, information was still being awaited as to whether or not the cost of the memorial tablets could be made a charge against  the rates, and that further communication would be forwarded .The hon. secretary reported he was endeavouring to obtain a list of names to be added onto the tablets, a sub committee consisting of the following was formed to liaise with the town Council and the branch in this matter, the committee consisted of Mr. WH Barnes Mr. Moody, Mr. H Brown. The hon. secretary was instructed to inform the town clerk of this subcommittee being formed.

Branch meeting

Wednesday 25th of May 1949 7.15pm

Agenda Item war Memorial

 The hon. secretary reported that 42 names had been received or been notified to date, after 6 advertisements had been put into the Weston Gazette, after a short discussion as to how long the appeal should remain outstanding, the date to which name should be eligible for insertion, it was decided that 1st of September 1949 should be the deadline date, and that the final list should be raised once again at the end of August

Mr. Legg proposed and Mr. Gasket seconded, that Messr Templeman & Sons tender for the Blandford war Memorial annual maintenance for the sun of £5 .5.0p (Five Guineas) should be acceptable:  this was agreed


Branch meeting

Monday 5th March 1962 at 7.30pm

Agenda Item war Memorial

Mr. Marsh brought to the notice of the committee that the lettering on the war Memorial was in need of attention the hon. secretary was instructed to check with Mr. Levington and report at the next meeting

Branch meeting

Monday 2nd April 1962 at 7.30pm

Agenda Item war Memorial

The hon. secretary was instructed to write to Mr. Levington, and request that it was considered necessary to the war Memorial be carried out as per the estimate submitted by Messr Templeman & Sons

Branch meeting

Monday 7th May 1962 at 7.30pm

Agenda Item Matters arising

 A letter from the town clerk was read to the committee stating that our request for the war Memorial to be renovated has been passed to the Blandford town council and we would be notified in due course.

Branch meeting

Monday 2nd July 1962 at 7.30pm

Agenda Item Matters arising War Memorial

 The committee were informed that the Blandford burial board had agreed to carry out the repairs etc. as per estimated submitted by Messr Templeman & Sons