poppy field


The connection

  Twinned on the 11th of November in 1973 with the number 12 branch of the the Royal Canadian Legion, Grand Falls Branch, Newfoundland.

The Standard

From the exchange of the plaques the Branches then gifted each other with a Branch standard . The Standard's fror the 12th Branch was dedicated in May 1974 in the church of St Peters and St Pauls.

As part of the twinning agreement the Newfoundland standard must be taken on parade as often as possible.



Being proudly carried by Denis West of the Branch committee on the Commonwealth war grave memorial in Blandford cemetery where there are four graves to members of the Royal Canadian Airforce.

Denis On Armistice

And being carried on Armistice Day just after the service and two minute silence was held.


Jack Reg-Leg a member of the Branch and club had connections with Canada through his daughter, this lead to an exchange of plaques

Plaque 1

Other Canadian connections

The Branch also has gifts from another Canadian branche, this one is a 60th anniversary plate gifted by the 162 Calais Branch of Sackville Nova Scotia to a branch member Jim Langridge for taking part in a town crier competion.



 The Branch parade the standard at least once a year

please see below the history as taken from the branch minutes


Minutes of branch meeting held at Legion house June 4, 1973

Grand Falls Branch  

 Branch the Chairman read a letter he received from the grand Falls branch, stating that committee has been formed to study ways and means of twinning both branches the committee then agreed to the secretaries Suggestion that we exchanged branch standards, and a sub committee was formed to take care of the proposal in preparation for the twinning like this or committee by Mr S Jardine Mr Phillips and Brian Pitt's  


Minutes of the branch committee meeting held at Legion house September 3, 1973

Grand Falls Branch  

Chairman read a letter received by the president from the Grand Falls Branch expressing thanks for the photograph of legion house and the plaque, which are now hanging in the main lounge at Grand Falls, with regard to the twinning of our two branches the Grand Falls Branch, the twinning committee who have met a few times and discuss various ideas for twinning ceremony

the Chairman inform the Committee that the poppy seeds had been received


Minutes of the branch committee meeting held at Legion house August 6, 1973

Grand Falls Branch  

Branch committee were informed that all through no official letter had yet been received, we had recently received a verbal messages, stating that the Grand Falls Branch, fully supported the proposals on the twinning of the two Branches, the committee decided to wait for official confirmation before ordering the legion branch standard ,too present it to the grand Falls Branch


Branch meeting minutes of the committee held October 1, 1973

Dedication of Branch standards

 The secretary reported that both the branch and the women's section standards have been received, and it was hoped to receive the Grand Falls Branch standard,  in the near future arrangements should be made for the dedication of the new standards and the laying up  of the old standards , The actual date would depend on the Royal Signals availability but it is hoped  that the dedication could be arranged for May 1974

 Minutes of the Royal Legion branch held at Legion house on Monday 1st January 1974

Rbl dedication service 12th of May 1974  

Arrangements were going ahead in the organization of the day  

The following points were made    

The Royal signals band agreed to play on the day ,rector of Blandford has been in touch with the Bishop of Salisbury ,who cannot attend, probably Bishop of Sherbourne  will officiate Canadian high commissioner has previous engagements ,delegates commodore Noel Cobden defence advisor Canadian Embassy as deputy to take the salute at the march past

A letter has been sent to Major Simpson asking about the standards of the Canadian veterans association to attend rehearsals of the standard bearers, service as same as Westminster Abbey  ,notes for guidance will be written details of duties etc.


Minutes of the branch committee meeting 4th of March 1974

Dedication service  

A meeting should be called in the near future to decide how many guests we should have for the service.  All forms and sheets were already printed .Lunch on the day has been arranged at the crown hotel Mr. F Woods will be contacting southern television and its hoped they can attend 


Minutes of the branch committee meeting held 1st April 1974

Dedication service on the 12th of may 1974

Rehearsals of the dedication service arranged for Friday the 5th of April at 8:00 PM  

Chairman suggested that a local shop window display be arranged prior to the 12th of May. Mr C Pike and Mr S Jardine were asked if they could try and arrange this ,a committee would be forming comprising of two members of the branch plus the club and auxiliary section and the silver threads the executive committee would commence a meeting in the near future 


Minutes of branch committee meeting 6th of may 1974

Dedication service  

The final points were discussed and an organising officer gave the committee the last items to be arranged. Neil wells Newfoundland legion unofficially handed over the twinning parchment it was decided by our chairman that a date after the 12th of may 1974 would be set aside for the official handover of the parchment and Suells, it was proposed by chairman seconded by Mr P Wilcox that a vote of thanks be given to Mr wag Montgomery for his assistance in the preparation of the RBL parchment and Suells and that this be recorded in the minutes 


Minutes of branch committee meeting 3rd June 1974

Dedication service  

Letter of thanks and appreciation was sent  

Proposed by Mr Roy seconded Mr. Hall that a video tape of the dedication service be purchased from Mr. John Draw. Two video tapes be purchased, one to be sent to the Royal Canadian Legion Newfoundland, the other to be kept at the branch for use.


Minutes of the branch committee meeting held 3rd June 1974

 Proposed by Mr. J Thompson seconded by Mr K Whitty that from the dedication service the 12th of May 1974 the collection of £55.56  

£30 be donated to the church to pay for the expenses of the bell ringers, choir, electricity etc



we have recieved confirmation that the Standard can be parade as long as it is behind the union Branch and the womans section standards in a diamond formation

see below communication from John JW Thornhill National Parade Marshall

Wed 23/03/2022 13:43
Hi Terry 
Thanks for your email, great story! 
If the standard HAS been dedicated, the branch is still formed and compliant, the SB has received training and has signed the MS1B and the branch chairman has given authority in his/her name, then no problem 
Hope this helps 

Kind regards  John JW Thornhill