poppy field

Bishop's Stortford

The Poppy Appeal in Bishop's Stortford

Update - Poppy Appeal 2024 Total

14 December 2024

The total raised in Bishop's Stortford currently stands at £58,296.91
Sincere thanks to everyone involved.

Poppy Appeal Launch 2024

26 October 2024 

To view all photos of the Poppy Appeal 2024, please click here

Above: Launch group photo in the Jackson Square Shopping Centre

The 2024 Bishop's Stortford Poppy Appeal Launch took place in Jackson Square Shopping Centre on Saturday 26th October. Those attending the event included John B Robinson AFC* Bishop’s Stortford Branch President, Cllr. Calvin Horner, Hertfordshire Deputy Lieutenant Emma Robarts, Andy Dedman (veteran), Cllr. Lesley Greensmyth, Lt. Col. David Walker, Cllr. Richard Townsend Town Mayor, Mark Thornewill (veteran), Peter Cullen (veteran), Jean Cullen, Ernie Large (veteran), 1096 (Bishop’s Stortford) Squadron Air Cadets and Bishop’s Stortford Army Cadets.

The total raised on the Jackson Square launch stall alone was an incredible £1,733.12.

Poppy Appeal Organiser, Paul Vile, paid tribute to the branch members who have been busy distributing poppies and collection boxes to businesses around the town, the volunteers who will spend the next two weeks selling poppies and asking for donations, as well as residents who respond so generously.

“Without both the volunteers and the public, this wouldn't be the success it is,” he said.

A huge thank you also goes to the launch attendees, and Jackson Square for hosting the event.

Collectors will be out at all five major supermarkets until Remembrance Sunday on 10 November. Not all collectors will have card readers so cash donations would be helpful.

Photo left to right: Air Cadets, John B Robinson AFC* Bishop’s Stortford Branch President, Cllr. Calvin Horner, Hertfordshire Deputy Lieutenant Emma Robarts, Andy Dedman (veteran), Cllr. Lesley Greensmyth, Lt. Col. David Walker, Cllr. Richard Townsend Town Mayor, Mark Thornewill (veteran), Peter Cullen (veteran), Jean Cullen, Ernie Large (veteran)

2024 Annual Poppy Appeal - Call for Volunteers

5 September 2024

The Royal British Legion provides lifelong support for the Armed Forces community - serving men and women, veterans, and their families, and over 300,000 people are needed to help with their annual fundraising campaign - the Poppy Appeal.

The Bishop’s Stortford Royal British Legion Branch is preparing for the Appeal and we need more help. The Poppy Appeal will start with the Launch Day on Saturday 26th October 2024 and continue until Remembrance Sunday on 10th November 2024. 

Poppy Appeal Collectors are the face of the Legion during the Poppy Appeal and help provide as many opportunities as possible for people to wear a poppy. You will have an opportunity to choose where you collect - it could be helping to man a Poppy Appeal Stall or individually collecting for a couple of hours – both would be at one of our 5 major supermarkets in Bishop's Stortford.

You can message us via Facebook: The Royal British Legion - Bishop's Stortford Branch or by emailing BishopsStortford.Secretary@rbl.community

Please include your contact details. We’d be really pleased to hear from you.

Many thanks
Heidi Barden
Deputy Poppy Appeal Organiser

2024 Annual Poppy Appeal - Request for Knitted/Crocheted Poppies

24 August 2024

Knitted and crocheted poppies are always very popular fundraisers. If you can knit or crochet some poppies for us we would be very pleased to hear from you. Please see below for some knitting and crochet poppy patterns.

Poppies can be dropped off at the Apton Centre during office hours, or can be left in a bag in the letter box outside.
The address is 22a Apton Road, Bishop's Stortford CM23 3SN.
Please leave your contact details so we can send a thank you!

You can message us via Facebook: The Royal British Legion - Bishop's Stortford Branch or by emailing BishopsStortford.Secretary@rbl.community
Please include your contact details.

Many thanks
Heidi Barden
Deputy Poppy Appeal Organiser

Knitting and Crochet Poppy Patterns

🔴 Crochet Poppy Pattern (no sew)

🔴 Knitting Pattern 1 - Knit Stitch

🔴 Knitting Pattern 2 - Ribbed Stitch

Poppy Appeal 2023 Total Beats Record in Bishop's Stortford at £53,939.32

6 March 2024

The Bishop's Stortford current Poppy Appeal 2023 total has continued to rise since our last update and was added to again during the Poppy Appeal Tea Party on 3 March 2024 when Branch President John Robinson presented Poppy Appeal Organiser, Denise Hudson, a cheque for £3105.06 from the Bishop's Stortford Rugby Club. The funds were raised at the Poppy Appeal lunch and auction at the Rugby Club's 11th November 2023 match day.

The Bishop's Stortford total now stands at £53,939.32 which is the highest ever raised. 

A huge thank you to all our Poppy Appeal supporters.

A "Thank You" Video for all our Poppy Appeal 2023 Supporters: 

22 Dec 2023

Poppy Appeal Thanks - Letter from Denise Hudson, our Poppy Appeal Organiser 

22 Dec 2023

Poppy Appeal Thanks

2023 was my seventh and final year organising the Poppy Appeal in Bishop's Stortford and my wish to finish with a total exceeding £50,000 has already come true. The 2023 total currently stands at £50,634.01 with more money still to come.

I would like to thank everyone involved in delivering such a successful Poppy Appeal this year and I feel special thanks must go to the General Public for yet again giving so generously to support our Armed Forces past and present and their families.

Each year many people are involved in the preparations for the appeal and later the counting and banking of the money collected. Many businesses have static boxes of poppies and although our usual collectors at the Railway Station were unavailable this year, we do usually have great support from commuters and other rail travellers.  

Our five major supermarkets allow us to collect on their premises throughout the appeal fortnight and the cashiers at both  Sainsbury's and Tesco actually count the money collected in their stores and give bucket or pot totals so that individuals know how much they have collected.

I would like to thank the Management at Jackson Square for allowing us to have our Launch each year in the Mall Square and mention the Bishop's Stortford RBL Women's Section who always cover the stall in Sainsbury's Jackson Square on the two Thursdays of the appeal.

I must also thank all the Collectors who make up the supermarket rotas. Most collect for two separate two hour sessions but there are many who collect for numerous hours.

We are very fortunate that our local Air and Army Cadets give us sterling support  every year. They each cover a Saturday on our stall in Sainsbury's Jackson Square and raise a considerable amount of money for the appeal.

If I have left anyone out, I apologise. A lot of people and businesses have given support to the Poppy Appeal over the last seven years. It has been a privilege to serve as Poppy Appeal Organiser for Bishop's Stortford and an experience that will live long in my memory.

Denise Hudson

Bishops's Stortford RBL Poppy Appeal Organiser

Wonderful Poppy Display at Grange Paddocks Leisure Centre

Thank you to everyone at Grange Paddocks for supporting the Poppy Appeal 2023.

Grange Paddocks Leisure Centre front of house and cafe have been decorated with red poppies as a symbol of both Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future and to show support for the Armed Forces Community.


Poppy Appeal Launch 2023

Launch group photo

The 2023 Bishop's Stortford Poppy Appeal Launch took place in Jackson Square Shopping Centre on Saturday 28 October. Those attending the event included Hertfordshire Deputy Lieutenant Emma Robarts, Julie Marson MP, Hertfordshire County Council Chairman Cllr. Terry Douris, Bishop's Stortford Mayor Cllr. Richard Townsend, Lt. Col. David Walker, Bishop's Stortford RBL Branch President John Robinson, Veterans and Cadets. 

The appeal got off to a flying start raising £1,100.99 on the launch stall while Air Cadets collecting around the shopping centre took £447.94. The Army Cadets will have their opportunity to collect on 11 November. 

Collectors were out at all five major supermarkets with a small supply of the most popular Poppy Appeal merchandise. For a more complete display of merchandise, please visit the stall in Sainsbury's Jackson Square on the Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays during the appeal fortnight. 

Left to right: Julie Marson MP, Lt. Col. David Walker, Hertfordshire Deputy Lieutenant Emma Robarts, Hertfordshire County Council Chairman Cllr. Terry Douris, Bishop's Stortford Mayor Cllr. Richard Townsend

1096 (Bishop’s Stortford) Squadron Air Cadets

Bishop's Stortford Army Cadets and 1096 (Bishop’s Stortford) Squadron Air Cadets

🔴  Please view the Poppy Appeal 2023 Gallery for all photos from the launch.

Poppy Appeal 2023

23 October 2023

The Bishop's Stortford Launch of the 2023 Poppy Appeal will take place in Jackson Square Shopping Centre on Saturday 28th October at 11am. The appeal will run from 28th October to Sunday 12th November culminating with the Service of Remembrance at the Town War Memorial. 

Paper Poppy

Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal Organiser, Denise Hudson, and her Deputy, Heidi Barden, together with their team, have been very busy over the last seven weeks preparing for the 2023 appeal. Collectors are now picking up their boxes from the Legion's room at the New Apton Centre in readiness for their slots collecting at our five major supermarkets. 

It is not possible for every collector to have access to a contactless machine so please bear this in mind when obtaining your poppy and have some cash available. In these difficult times anything you can give will be very much appreciated. 

Poppy Appeal 2023 - Can You Help?

30 August 2023

This year the Bishop's Stortford Poppy Appeal will run from Saturday 28th October to Sunday 12th November 2023.

We have a very successful appeal but there is always room for improvement. We collect at our five major supermarkets but we have never managed to cover all the slots available. With this in mind we are appealing for more collectors. If you would like to become a collector then please contact us: denisehudson43@hotmail.com

We are also looking to involve more people in the preparation of the numerous boxes that are used by collectors and also go out to local businesses and schools. This work usually starts at the end of September and takes place at the New Apton Centre during the day. If you are interested in getting involved then please contact us: denisehudson43@hotmail.com

Please send a contact number and email address.

Kind regards
Denise Hudson & Heidi Barden

Bishop's Stortford RBL

Poppy Appeal Organiser & Deputy PAO

Poppy Appeal Update

24 January 2023

The latest Poppy Appeal total stands at £49,132.43. Thank you so much for your on-going support.


Poppy Appeal Thanks

4 January 2023

The 2022 Poppy Appeal got off to a flying start at the launch in Jackson Square Shopping Centre on Saturday 29th October raising over £1500. 

The money continues to come in and the grand total currently stands at £47,853.57. (The final total for the 2021 Poppy Appeal was £51,988.03.)

I would like to thank everyone involved in delivering such a successful Poppy Appeal and special thanks must go to the general public for their amazing generosity during such difficult times.

Denise Hudson

Bishop's Stortford RBL Poppy Appeal Organiser

Poppy Appeal 29th October - 12th November 2022

Photos from the appeal can be viewed in the Poppy Appeal 2022 Gallery.

Bishop's Stortford Poppy Appeal Launch in Jackson Square on 29th October 2022.
Along with the Bishop's Stortford Branch Committee, the group included Bishop's Stortford Mayor Cllr Dave Anderson, Deputy Lieutenant of Hertfordshire Emma Robarts, and Julie Marson MP.

The Appeal
The Bishop’s Stortford Branch of The Royal British Legion launched the local appeal on Saturday 29th October in Jackson Square Shopping Mall (near the entrance to Sainsbury's) and Poppy Appeal Collectors will be out in force at the 5 major supermarkets in Bishop's Stortford during the period 29th October to 12th November.

Some contactless machines will be in use but unfortunately it is not possible for all Collectors to have access to one. I would therefore ask you to bear this in mind when you are obtaining your poppy and please have some cash available.

In these difficult times, anything you can give will be much appreciated.

Bishop’s Stortford RBL Poppy Appeal Organiser
Denise Hudson

2022 Annual Poppy Appeal - Call for Volunteers

The Royal British Legion provides lifelong support for the Armed Forces community - serving men and women, veterans, and their families, and over 300,000 people are needed to help with their annual fundraising campaign - the Poppy Appeal.

The Bishop’s Stortford Royal British Legion Branch is preparing for the Appeal and we need more help. The Poppy Appeal will start with the Launch Day on Saturday 29th October and continue until Remembrance Sunday on 13th November.

Poppy Appeal Collectors are the face of the Legion during the Poppy Appeal and help provide as many opportunities as possible for people to wear a poppy. You will have an opportunity to choose where you collect - it could be helping on a Poppy Appeal Stall or individually collecting for a couple of hours – both would be at one of our 5 major supermarkets in Bishop's Stortford.

Knitted poppies are always very popular fundraisers and if you can knit or crochet some poppies for us we would be very pleased to hear from you.

Please email Denise Hudson, Poppy Appeal Organiser: denisehudson43@hotmail.com

Poppy Appeal Update - August 2022

The Poppy Appeal total for the year 2021/22 now stands at £51,725.92.

Photos from the Poppy Appeal 2021 can be viewed in the Poppy Appeal 2021 Photo Gallery.

The Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal 2021

A message from our Poppy Appeal Organiser - Denise Hudson:

"It was good to have a near normal Poppy Appeal in Bishop's Stortford this year and collectors were once again out in force at our five major Supermarkets. 

The appeal got off to a flying start at the launch in Jackson Square Shopping Centre on Saturday 30th October raising £1619.81 and the money continues to come in. The grand total currently stands at £50,035.82.

I would like to thank everyone involved in delivering such a successful centenary Poppy Appeal but special thanks must go to the general public for once again giving so generously to support our Armed Forces and their families"