Poppy Appeal 2022
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A huge thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers

Bishop's Stortford Poppy Appeal Launch on 29th October 2022 in Jackson Square

Poppy Appeal Launch 2022. Group includes Bishop's Stortford Mayor Cllr Dave Anderson, Deputy Lieutenant of Hertfordshire Emma Robarts, Julie Marson MP, Branch President John B Robinson

Branch Committee Members (left to right) Vice Chair Kathy Stanes, Clive Kitchener, Branch Secretary Terrie Archer, Poppy Appeal Organiser Denise Hudson, Mark Thornewill

Branch Committee Members (left to right) Vice Chair Kathy Stanes, Clive Kitchener, Poppy Appeal Organiser Denise Hudson, Deputy Poppy Appeal Organiser Heidi Barden, Mark Thornewill

Left to right: Branch President John B Robinson, Committee Member Mark Thornewill, Branch Chair Paul Vile

Deputy Poppy Appeal Organiser Heidi Barden

Dave Quigley and Faith

Simon, Kev and Phil - RAF

Launch group including Bishop's Stortford Detachment Beds and Herts Army Cadets, and 1096 (Bishop's Stortford) Air Cadets

Left to right: Peter Wilson, Bishop's Stortford Mayor Cllr Dave Anderson, Standard Bearer Arthur King (retired)

RAF Veteran Michael Holmes with Mayor Dave Anderson

Veterans Breakfast Club members with Liz Hendry

Left to right: Liz Hendry, Mayor Dave Anderson, Deputy Poppy Appeal Organiser Heidi Barden

Left to right: Vice Chair Kathy Stanes, Chair Paul Vile, Poppy Appeal Organiser Denise Hudson

Left to right: RAF Veteran Michael Holmes, Mayor Dave Anderson, Suzie Moran

Mandy and her daughter

Poppy Collector Phil with Waitrose Community Marketing Lead Tracy Whitfield

Remembering Cyril Banks

Gill and Vince

Poppy Collector Lesley

RBL Women's Section members Gwyn and Kathy

RBL Women's Section members Pat and Doreen

RBL Women's Section members Cynthia and Gwyn

Lesley and Gary
A huge thank you to Bishop's Stortford Detachment Beds and Herts Army Cadets

Poppy Appeal Organiser Denise with Army Cadets

A huge thank you to 1096 (Bishop's Stortford) Air Cadets and staff