poppy field


Photo Gallery




The following pages will be refreshed and added to as people supply me with photographs.


If you have photographs from any events, please email them to me by clicking here.  A short description of each photograph or a narrative on the event would be very useful.

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GP 90



In addition to GP90 Billingham Branch organised a remembrance project to coincide with GP90. This involved a team of 4 branch members, led by Branch President Kevin Pitt accompanied by Tony Curnow, Tom Gratton and Michael Brown visiting the graves of 53 relatives of local people killed in WW1 and buried in cemeteries in France and Belgium. At each grave a poppy cross and a knitted wreath was laid with each cross bearing the name on the grave and a message written by school children from Billingham South Primary School, Priors Mill Primary School and Port Clarence Primary School. The following images reflect the care and diligence the children took in preparing the poppy crosses ready to be placed on graves.


Lest We Forget


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Remembrance Parade 11th November 2012 courtesy of Billingham Community Newspaper


Standards Dipped At Thiepval Memorial

Billingham and Durham Framwellgate Moor Branch standards at the Thiepval Memorial in Northern France - September 2012

L(Néry) Battery flag with Durham City and Billingham British Legion standards at Néry village cemetery.JPG

L(Néry) Battery flag with Durham City and Billingham British Legion standards at  Néry village cemetery.JPG

Billingham Branch standard at the village of Néry, northern France in September 2012. The battle of Néry took place on 1st September 1914 when most of L Battery RHA where either killed or wounded during the battle and which resulted in the award of 3 VCs to members of the unit and the honour title (Néry) bestowed on the unit.


Wreaths at Menin gate.jpg


Wreaths at The Menin Gate in Ypres Belgium (INSET) wreath laid on behalf of Billingham Branch RBL and Billingham community.


2011-11-13 12.04.43

Wreaths at the cenotaph in Station Road Billingham following 2013 Remembrance Parade.

2011-11-13 12.04.12

The monument to those who have fallen since the second world war.



Billingham Branch members and veterans at the 2012 Poppy Launch held in Billingham Forum.  'Photograph Courtesy of Evening Gazette'



Grace Franklin helps launch Billingham Poppy Appeal.

'Photograph Courtesy of Evening Gazette'



 Poppy Launch - photo courtesy of the Evening Gazette


Pat Coyle Billingham Branch Standard Bearer (leading) followed by branch chairman Alan Lewis at a Drum Head parade in Ropner Park in 2011 as part of the Armed Forces Day celebrations.



Remembrance Service

 2013 Remembrance Service


R N Lay Wreath

 Royal Navy salute cenotaph after laying wreath on Remembrance 

Sunday 2013


SSVC Ladies Chior

SSVC ladies choir at branch Poppy Appeal launch 2013


Funeral Of Fred Leach2

Standards marching at funeral of Fred Leach - Middlesbrough crematorium - 2013


Book Signing

 Grace signs her joke book for branch chairman Alan Lewis


Menin Gate At Night

 The Menin Gate, Ypres, Belgium at Night


Tony Curnow At Billingham Cenotaph

Tony Curnow at Billingham Garden of Remembrance following sponsored fund raising walk visiting 14 cenotaphs between Sunderland and Port Clarence


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Branch members at the Twin Towers monument at the National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire


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The site dedicated to those "SHOT AT DAWN" at the National Memorial Arboretum, Staffordshire

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 Children from Billingham South Community Primary School braving the weather to lay memorial crosses at military graves in St Cuthberts cemetery.



Parade of Standards at the 2015 Poppy Launch in the Forum Leisure Centre. 

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Branch Treasurer Mick Foster being presented with the Mayors Award (Community Groups) on behalf of Billingham Branch.


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The "Somme Bench" dedicated by Billingham Branch to the Garden of Remembrance in remembrance of "The Battle of the Somme"