poppy field

Bergen Hohne

Why? By Deborah Wafer

Mummy, why am I wearing a poppy today?
Why are we quiet, why can’t I play?

My darling , today we must always remember,...
At the 11th hour on the 11th of November

Mummy, why are we here on a winter’s day?
Why not in the lovely sunshine of May?

My darling, this day is a day in history,
The end of a war and signing of a treaty

Mummy why do people look so sad?
Have they been naughty? Have they been bad?

My darling, people are taking time to think and reflect,
Of loved ones lost and to pay their respect

Mummy why are they lost? Where have they gone?
Is it because they’ve done something wrong?

My darling, they have been so very brave,
Fought for their country so lives could be saved

Mummy, why do we need soldiers to go,
To far away to places that I don’t know?

My darling, it is to protect human rights,
That’s why they go, that’s why they fight

Mummy, why are there some people so old?
Standing here in the wind and the cold?

My darling, war has affected us all,
From the very old to the very small.

But mummy why is my poppy red?
I wanted a colour like blue instead

My darling, red is the symbol of blood that is shed,
To help us remember the injured and the dead

But mummy, please tell me why?
It makes me sad, I want to cry

My darling, I love you, now join me and pray,
Let us remember on Armistice Day.

Cenotaph 2013 1Legion Albert Hall 2013The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.

Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.

The Branch was represented at the War Cemetary in Becklingen by the several members of the Bergen-Hohne Branch, including two Standard Bearers. A wreath was laid in remembrance of the dead in all conflicts past and present.



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