WWI Commemoratory Lecture Series
In Case you missed the WWI Lecture series these links take you to YouTube and you can watch them for the first time or again if you would like to. Our thanks go to not only the Heritage Lottery Fund for funding the talks, the speakers for their really interesting talks, Bedford College for filming and compiling these videos,the audiences who came along to support the talks and lastly Robin Thomas for all his work in putting the talks on and arranging everything with his wife Anne.
https://youtu.be/LJlHNJROskw RBL WW1 Commemoration 'What Then Was War?' Compilation
https://youtu.be/RAprNkv3voY RBL WW1 Commemorative Lectures 'The Bedford Highlanders'
https://youtu.be/91BmbuFFzIA RBL WW1 Commemoration Lecture 'First Aid Nursing Yeomanry'
https://youtu.be/Vjx4ImF9UjE RBL WW1 Commemoration 'What Then Was War?'
https://youtu.be/QMDoYVzv7qk RBL WW1 Commemorative Lectures 'Bedford Regiment'