We will remember in 2024.
The Royal British Legion is recognised as the national custodian of Remembrance.
In 2023, we hosted a Service of Remembrance to mark the 70th Anniversary of the signing of the Armistice bringing to an end the armed hostilities in the Korean War 1950-1953. This was attended by the Mayor of Bedford, Mr Tom Wootton, and our last surviving Korean War Veteran, Roger ('Bob') Barker BEM. Sadly, Bob passed away at the end of March 2024.
On Sunday 9th June, we hosted a Service of Remembrance, led by the Revd Roger Stokes, at the War Memorial on Bedford Embankment, marking the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. Once again, the Mayor was in attendance and laid a Wreath on behalf of the Borough Council and the People of Bedford.
On Sunday 15th September, again at the War Memorial, we will host a Service of Remembrance to mark the 80th Anniversary of Operation Market Garden.
Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today.
Bedford holds two events, both organised by members of the branch on behalf of the Borough Council:
Firstly, the parade and service at the war memorial on The Embankment. This is held on Remembrance Sunday, which in 2024 will be on Sunday 10th November. The parade starts at the 'Radhuni' restaurant on The Embankment at about 10.40 a.m. and makes its way down towards the memorial. A service is held at the memorial at 11.00 a.m. and includes the laying of wreaths. The service lasts about 30 minutes after which the parade makes its way down towards Harpur Square via St Pauls Square. The following roads are closed in whole or in part between 10.00 a.m. and the close of the parade: The Embankment, Newnham Road, Albany Road, Rothsay Road and Bushmead Avenue.
Secondly, the parade in Riverside Square. This is held on Armistice Day at 11.00 a.m. and marks the exact time and date on which the First World War came to an end in Europe. It is a short parade of about 10 minutes and includes the traditional two minutes' silence. For 2024, this will take place on Monday 11th November.
The public are very welcome to attend both these events.
A great deal of time and effort goes into these events and the branch is sincerely grateful to the support and assistance given by the following each year:
Bedford Borough Council, Bedfordshire Police, Bedford Town Band, Bedford Pipe Band, Bedford Salvation Army, and the Swan Hotel together with all the other associations, organisations and individuals who attend these events.
The branch has an Events Working Group which oversees the arrangements and if there are any matters which you wish to discuss or want them to consider, please e-mail the Branch Chairman at BedfordDistrict.Chairman@rbl.community or telephone 07942 361420