Magazines and Newsletters
The Alicante Branch publish links to various online magazines of interest to the Branch
The Legion Magazine and Membership Newsletter: The Legion Magazine is the national magazine of the Royal British Legion and is free in hard copy form to all British Legion Members.
The Legion Magazine Spain district North: The Spain District North Magazine covers the news from all TRBL Branches in Spain District North.
The Veteran: The Veteran is the Quarterly Magazine of the Alicante Branch. The first issue will be published in March 2021.
Mellow Magazine: Mellow Magazine is a commercial magazine for the Alicante area and often publishes articles from the Alicante Branch and District North Spain.
Navigation to these magazines can either be carried out by clicking on the red magazine name or by navigating the sub-menu located under "Magazines & Newsletters, once you have found the issue that you require simply click on the picture.