poppy field

Greater London

Contact The Royal British Legion in London

Community Support.

All Enquiries Freephone 0808 802 8080.
Open 8am - 8pm Monday to Friday.

Poppy Appeal, Fundraising and FR VolunteeringRemembrance_Poppy_jpg.jpg

Community Fundraising Manager


Community Fundraiser North West London


Community Fundraiser South East London

Julia Bennett Tel: 07736634833
email: jbennett@britishlegion.org.uk 

Community Fundraiser South West London

Angus Watson Tel: 07821301483
email: awatson@britishlegion.org.uk

Community Fundraiser North East London

Jennifer Ferguson

London Poppy Day Lead
Nick Pietruszewski
Email: londonpoppyday@britishlegion.org.uk  

Community Fundraiser Central London

Lynn Thomas King Tel: 07458135271
email: lthomasKing@britishlegion.org.uk  


Membership - Greater London

Greater London District Committee

John Bowers (Vice Chairman) 
email: GreaterLondon.ViceChairman@RBL.Community

Roy Bingham (Training Officer/Chairman) 
email: GreaterLondon.Chairman@rbl.community

To contact the Greater London District Membership Engagement Officer email

Jimmy Hepworth: jhepworth@britishlegion.org.uk.

In the first instance CURRENT London branch members should contact their local branch officials for general activities the branch are involved in, meetings, AGMs and branch elections.  

Membership administration i.e. payment of fees, payment methods, joining, transferring to another Branch, call the Membership helpline freephone No.

0800 307 7773.