poppy field


Welcome to the Ivybridge Branch of The Royal British Legion

The Royal British Legion is the UK's leading Armed Forces charity and one of its largest membership organisations. Members get together through the network of branches and clubs all over the country and overseas to participate in social, fundraising and welfare activities.

The Ivybridge Branch meetings normally take place on the (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE) SECOND  Wednesday of the month at the Constitutional Club. 7pm for 7.30 start. All are welcome.


You DO NOT need to be a club member to attend our meetings.

Latest update 09/07/2024


Ivybridge 2023/24 Poppy Appeal


After the recent quiz night at The Exchange and sale of D Day 80 commemorative items the total has now stands at an amazing £41887. 


General information


Hi I'm George Vosper, along with my wife Angie we are the Poppy Appeal Organizers. contact Gvosper@britishlegion.org.uk.

The Veterans Gateway

If you are not aware of this please follow this link to the Veterans Gateway website. 

The RBL works with the gateway to help source the best options for anyone requiring help, advice or assistance. The site also provides self help advice and information.

Also note that there is a link in the menu on the left of this website to the National RBL website for access to help information and the latest news.

Harrys Patch - Ivybridge Britain in bloom

We are very pleased to announce that the garden has won a Special Award, full details to follow.

We done to Mal & Rosa and the other branch members that help to keep the garden looking so good.

In addition Mal & Rosa have been voted Ivybridge Citizens of the year. This is for their work in maintain Harrys patch and other work that they do in the community. Many congratulations and well done!


Coronavirus (Covid 19)

Now that restriction are easing, most Legion events are returning to normal. However please check on whatever government and local rules and guidelines are in place we still need to conform. Please take the appropriate action should you feel unwell or think you are affected.

Should anyone still be shielding and need assistance please contact us. 
Contact details
Email; rblivybridge@hotmail.com 
Rich Lane; 07568 071 603 Branch Secretary
Emily Handley; 07826 909 216

Remembrance 2023

An original format parade and service took place at the War Memorial. Once again the community turned out in force. Sadly the weather turned very wet. Thank you all for sticking it out, your support is very much appreciated.




We Remember Submariners Poppy Appeal Donation

At the last meeting Nige Thornber of the 'We Remember Submariners' (WRS) organisation presented a cheque for £440 to Bill Mutch the Poppy Appeal organiser. Huge thank you to a great bunch of people who do a fantastic job.

You can read all about WRS here,  

Help support the Branch and have a chance of winning £25000.

The Branch has joined the SeaMoor Lotto, part of a regional fundraising organisation. You can buy lotto tickets for £1 each and contribute 60% to the Branch. Each ticket has a 1 in 50 chance of winning a prize. Follow the link here to help support our work.

The Federation of Plymouth & District Ex Service Associations

A diary of events can be found here. The branch is a member of the organisation.

Harry's Patch Latest News

New benches have been installed, as always thanks to our supporters for funding and the working party for installation.

Patch Small





About The Legion

Membership is open to everyone. If you have an interest in the objectives of the Legion and want to help and support for those who have served and their families, come and join us. We welcome men and women of all ages, whether they have served in the Armed Forces or not.

Legion membership ensures that

  • Remembrance is kept alive and that the sacrifices our brave Service men and women have made are never forgotten.
  • The ex-Service community have a voice and that their concerns are brought to the public eye.

Becoming a member also provides the opportunity to get involved in a wide range of activities and events held locally, regionally and nationally throughout the year.


If you wish to contact us or to report any inaccuracies or omissions on this site, please email Paul Chilarecki.