poppy field


Our branch officers are:

Branch Officers
President Vacant
Chairman Mr Kevin Joslyn
Vice Chairman  Mr Paul Sainsbury
Secretary  Mr Dean Brown
Membership Secretary Mr John Goodall
Treasurer Vacant
Branch Community Support Mr Matt James
Standard Bearer  Mr Dean Brown
Poppy Appeal Organiser  Ms Claire Kingdon

The Branch meets on the 4th Monday of the month excluding August and December at the Ilminster Bowling & Tennis Club at 7.30pm. 

The Branch Committee meets on the 4th Monday of January, March, May, July and October. If the 4th Monday in May falls on the Bank Holiday the meeting is held on the the 4th Tuesday.

The Branch has 47 members, but is still keen to recruit new members.

For more information please contact the Chairman, Kevin Joslyn via email: Ilminster.Chairman@rbl.community or join by using:


Membership applications can also be processed by phoning 0800 802 8080

To renew or update membership details go to:
