A SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE - Friday 14th July 2017

On a somewhat hot and balmy morning, Brigadier Christopher Hammerbeck CB, CBE, President of the RBL (Hong Kong and China branch) welcomed and addressed members of the Band of the Royal Regiment of Scotland gathered together with RBL and UK consular officials, ex-military and loyal society associations and invited guests at Sai Wan Military cemetery to commemorate and lay wreaths for those who fought and died in the Battle for Hong Kong in December 1941.
The service was officiated by the Reverend John Chynchen. The band members led by Major Barringer, the Director of Music were accompanied by a lone piper who played Flowers of the Forest.
The 2nd Bn., Royal Scots were heavily involved in this battle and suffered appalling losses of which 45 graves are listed in this cemetery. Of particular note was the death of Herbert Jordan, Warrant Officer Class I Bandmaster of the 2nd Bn., Royal Scots who died on 10 December 1941 Age 35. **

Mr. Peter Choi a surviving veteran of World War 2 attended the service.
** Details on the CWGC website www.cwgc.org
Visit of Rt Hon David Mundell MP - Monday 12th February 2018

On the sunny afternoon of 12 February 2018, the Rt Hon David Mundell MP the Secretary of State for Scotland laid a wreath at the Sai Wan military cemetery. Wreaths were also laid by the UK Consul General Mr. Andrew Heyn OBE, RBL President(Hong Kong and China branch) Brigadier Christopher Hammerbeck CB CBE, Commodore Cowan Chiu, Patron of HKESA, Ms. Angie Chan Hon President of the WWII Veteran’s Association and Mr. Charles McLaughlin, Chieftain of the St Andrew’s Society. A service of remembrance was held and led by the Revd John Chynchen, Honorary Chaplain to the RBL.
Other representatives attended from the UK Consulate, RBL, HKESA and the Hoi Luen Society. A surprise guest from Edinburgh attended who was an ex-RN LEP.
It was during the dark days of December 1941 that the 2nd Bn Royal Scots were engaged in battle from 8 December 1941 with the forces of the Army of Imperial Japan.

They were stationed on the Gin Drinkers Line on Kowloon Peninsula and subsequently fell back on Hong Kong island until the surrender of Commonwealth forces on Christmas Day 1941.

There are 45 of these brave soldiers buried in this cemetery.Most of their deaths occurred during the Battle for Hong Kong but a number died later as prisoners of war mostly in 1942.The commemorative wall lists the names of the 217 Royal Scots who gave their lives for the freedom of Hong Kong.

The last post was sounded by a bugler from the Hong Kong Sea School and 2 minutes silence was observed during the ceremony. A bagpiper provided by the Hong Kong Sea School played The Road of the Isles and No Awa Tae Bide Awa.