poppy field

Hong Kong

Our branch officers are:

Branch Officers
Chairman Mr Steve Tait
Vice Chairman 

Captain Albert Lam Ping Wai MBE

Secretary Captain Kenny Yau Wai Kee MBE
Treasurer Ms Frances Low Wai Lun
Assistant Secretary Mr Sin Ting Kwong
Welfare Chairman Captain Albert Lam Ping Wai MBE
Poppy Appeal  Coordinator  Captain Kenny Yau Wai Kee MBE


Contact Details:

Tel : (852) 2544 6270
Fax: (852) 2543 4287
Email: rblhk@netvigator.com

Correspondence Address:  The Royal British Legion, GPO BOx 4747, Hong Kong.

Please note:  If traveling to Hong Kong, please ensure you have adequate travel / medical insurance.  Hospitals and medicine are very expensive to non-residents.