poppy field

Colston Bassett

Colston Bassett, Owthorpe & Cotgrave Branch


Minutes of the 2017 Annual General Meeting held at the Cotgrave Club, Cotgrave on 12 October 2017 starting at 1900

1. Act of Remembrance


1.         The Branch President, Roy Evley, spoke the exhortation.

2. Attendance

1.         Members. (49) Astill Sheila, Astill Mick, Bedford Diane, Bee Tom, Bell Lisa, Blowers Roy, Blowers Linda, Bolstridge Stan, Bolstridge Maureen, Brown Ray, Cockayne Chris, Cockayne Maureen, Evley Roy, Davies Terry, Gill Chris, Gregory Don, Gregory Maureen, Hamer Russ, Hamer Penny, Hampson Kathy, Hannibal Joyce, Hicks Ann, Hicks Johnathon, Hodgkinson Nancy,  Ludlam John, Ludlam Jacquie, Massey Paul, McCullough Suzi, McLaughlin Peter, McGuirk Josie, Mitchell Sam, Moxham Craig, Myles David, Myles Mary, Neely Lillian, Parrot Freda, Pick Nigel, Poulson Brad, Poulson Adele, Pullinger Derek,  Reeves Jim, Shaw Ian, Shaw Jacky, Smith Joyce, Strutt Joan, Thomsen Dennis, Wills Margaret, Wooley Dorothy, Wooley Peter.


2.         Apologies. (31)           Ainsley Brenda, Bee Michelle, Billcliffe Doug, Brooks Pam, Butler Richard, Carlton John, Cockayne Andrew,  Cross Gilly Ford Nigel, Ford Wendy,  Hallam John,  Hallam Rita, Handbury Bill, Handbury Liz, Holmes Val, Holmes Phil, Hopkinson Phil, Hopkinson Sue, Hopper Fred, Hutson Mike, Hutson Hellen, Jeffreys Christine, Jeffreys-Cockburn Tina Louise, Lymn Rose Matthew, McGuirk Jim, McLaughlin Audrey, Newton Val, Walker David, Wheatley Nick, Wragg Bert


3.         In Attendance. (5)       Brown Pam, Evley Joy, Thomsen Penny, Pick Jane, Pullinger Gill, Short Darren.


3. Introduction

1.         The Chairman, Col T J Ludlam OBE, opened the meeting by welcoming all those present. He said how encouraging it was that 80 of the 119 members had answered the call in notice. However we could do better.


2.         The President then presented RBL badges to: Mick Astill, Sam Mitchell, Nigel Pick, Dorothy Wooley and Peter Wooley.


4. Minutes of the Previous Meeting

1.         No comments or concerns were raised over the content of 2016 AGM minutes. Adoption of the minutes was proposed by Ray Brown, seconded by Sheila Astill and approved by the meeting. The Chairman signed the minutes.


5. Matters Arising.


1.         There were no matters arising.


6. Chairman and Secretary's Report

1.         The Chairman outlined the autumn 2016 and spring and summer 2017 activities and a copy of the report is attached. He emphasised that 4 new members had joined the Branch but 5 had retired/resigned and unfortunately Sybil Griffiths and Walter Bint had passed away. He congratulated everyone on raising over £22,000 for the RBL since the last AGM. The best ever.


7. Presentation and Adoption of Accounts

1.         A statement of branch accounts was briefed to members by the treasurer Josie McGuirk. A paper copy running to 9 pages was available to all. No matters were raised and acceptance of the accounts was proposed by Tom Bee, seconded by Suzi McCullough and approved by the meeting.


2.         The treasurer proposed the following donations be made by the Branch this year:

  • Galanos House. £ 500.00.
  • Alderson House. £ 500.00.
  • County Welfare. £ 1176.38 (Money from the Coop Community Fund)
  • Great Pilgrimage 90. £1000 (Money raised for that specific purpose)


3.         The above donations were proposed by Jacquie Ludlam, seconded by Jonathan Hicks, and accepted by the meeting.


8. Elections

1.         President.        Last year the Committee has asked Roy Evley if he would act as President and he kindly agreed. His term is for 3 years.


2.         Committee.     There had been no offers to take up any of the committee posts. However, with the exception of the Treasurer who had indicated at the 2016 AGM that she would not be standing for election again, the current committee members had agreed to stay on for a further year if elected. In addition Tom Bee had offered to stand as Treasurer. The following officers and members were proposed by Mary Myles, seconded by Jacky Shaw and elected:

Chairman. - Col John Ludlam.      Vice Chairman – Pam Brooks, Secretary. - Peter McLaughlin.      Treasurer. - Tom Bee,

Welfare/BCS Members - Chris Cockayne.

Events. - Gilly Cross and Bert Wragg.

Poppy Appeal Coordinator. – Ian Shaw


3.         Bank Account Mandate.         There was a requirement to amend the NatWest bank account in the light of the election of a new Treasurer. Those present voted unanimously on the following motion: ‘The authorised signatories in the current mandate, for the account (detailed on section 2) be changed in accordance with sections 5 and 6 and the current mandate will continue as amended’. The sections refer to NatWest form B 50047.


4.         Conference Delegates.            John Ludlam offered to be the Branch delegate to the County Annual Meeting and Mrs Joyce Smith the RBL delegate to the National Conference. They were proposed by Jim Reeves, seconded by Cathy Hanson and approved by the meeting.


9. Presentation and Adoption of 2018 Branch Draft Plan

1.         2018 Plan. At their meeting on 25 Sep the Branch committee had sketched out the plan for 2018. In summary:

Recruitment.   Recruiting young ex-servicemen and women remained the aim. A target of 5 would be set. Concentrate on Colston Bassett.

Fundraising Targets.   In 2018 the target for fundraising outside the Poppy Appeal would be £2000. The target for the Poppy Appeal would be set in ‘Collecting Hours’ and would be finalised after experience had been gained from the 2017 Poppy Appeal.

Welfare.          CBOC will continue to forward requests for welfare support to the Regional Office through the Call Centre.

CBOC Great War Project.      The CBOC GWP will continue to develop through research and the web site.

Events.            A new format for the events was agreed by the committee. The principles are:

  • We should not only be providing comradeship. We should also concentrate on our core tasks of Remembrance, Representation, and Welfare.
  • One event/meeting each month except for Jan and Aug.
  • More and younger ex-servicemen needed and events should be tailored to attract them.
  • 3 types of events/meetings:
    • 2 x Prestigious events with meal, speakers and raffles (eg Spring Supper, Remembrance Sunday)
    • Fundraisers (e.g. Wassailers, Summer Event, RAF Band, Cotgrave Festival, Egg Throwing, Others)
      • Meetings, no food just drinks and chat, possibly a quiz. Trying to attract the younger ex-serviceman and woman.

The events list would be finalised at the Jan 18 Committee meeting and then published.

  • Great Pilgrimage 90   In 1928 the RBL organised a Pilgrimage to Ypres. Over 10,000 attended. The RBL is copying the Pilgrimage in August 2018 hoping to match the numbers. There is a great deal if information on the web and details will be sent to members after the AGM.

The Branch has signed up to GP90 and has paid for 2 representatives to attend the 5 day event which finishes on 8 August in the Market Place in Ypres. One representative will carry the Standard and the other a special wreath to be laid at the Menin Gate. The committee will be asking for volunteers for what will be a tough task requiring standing for 5 hours. Should there be more than 2 volunteers the committee will make the final decision.

There are other trips built around the event which can be purchased through the web site at a cost of about £500.


10. Poppy Appeal/ Remembrance

1.         Poppy Appeal.                       It was agreed that the Branch would support this year’s poppy appeal and make every attempt to collect for 150 hours. Members would be asked to collect in Morrisons, Sainsburys and the Coop. Ian Shaw handed round a Collection Proforma for members to book their slots. He would get assistance from Rotary, U3A, a Masonic Lodge and other non CBOC individuals.

2.         Remembrance Sunday.         There would be three services on Sunday 12th November 2017, at which the Branch would be represented:

  • 8.45 am St. Margarets, Owthorpe.
  • 10.30 am All Saints, Cotgrave
  • 10.50 am  St. John the Divine, Colston Bassett

Matthew Lymn Rose had volunteered to carry the standard at the Colston Bassett service. He would receive standard training shortly.

The Chairman encouraged all members attending in Cotgrave to join the march to the church which would start from Cotgrave Welfare at 1000.

Christine Goldstraw DL would once again attend the Cotgrave service.


3.         There would be a carvery lunch afterwards at The Golf and Country Club for members, families and friends. A call in e mail/letter would be issued shortly.

11. AOB

1.         Granby, Barnstone and District.       GBD had now returned to full branch status. Their committee had thanked the CBOC committee for looking after them during their time as a sub branch.

2.         Data Protection.        Members were asked to complete a sheet giving the committee permission to contact them by telephone and e mail on RBL business. This was a data protection requirement.

3.         Xmas Event.  The Chairman encourages members to attend and support the Christmas gathering and Quiz on 13 Dec at the Rose and Crown. (Location tbc)


13. Date of Next Meeting

1.         The next AGM would be held on Thursday 11 Oct 2018.


Signed as a true record Chairman …....................................................... dated.......................


1.         2016 an Excellent finish:

  • Poppy Appeal raised a total of £17,757. This was our second year in Morrisons and we did tremendously well. Thanks to Ian Shaw and his team who did an excellent job. And thank you all who collected.
  • Our first Remembrance away from the Golf Club for some time. Blotts did us well and 68 members and friends attending lunch afterwards. It was good to see Christine Goldstraw DL and her husband with us for the second time.

2.         2017 progress so far:


  • We now have 119 members. 3 less that at this time last year.
  • 4 new members joined this calendar year against a target of 5. 2 are ex services under 60 from Cotgrave, one a youth member and one from Colston Bassett.
  • We have lost 7 members this year. 5 failed to renew membership when the payment method changed and sadly Sybil Griffiths and Walter Bint passed away. Thank you those who helped with the funerals.


  • So far this year we raised a total of £1899 from outside the Poppy Appeal. Funds raised this evening [Afternote: £55] and at the Christmas event should take us over our target of £2000.
  • This included: £791 at the Summer event, well done Bert Wragg and Gilly Cross and other helpers. The egg rolling at Easter which raised £583 thanks to Mike Morris from CB. £292 from the Tombola at the Cotgrave Festival, well done Peter McLaughlin, Audrey and team and those who gave prizes.
  • We also received a donation of £1176 from the Coop Community Fund and Tom Bee raised an incredible £1137 for his bike ride to Ypres. Well done Tom and all those who sponsored him.
  •  In total we will have raised over £22,000 since last year’s AGM. Double the amount we have ever raised before. Amazing.

Raising Awareness. We:

  • Attracted 70 people to a Talk and Supper in Jul.
  • Supported the Cotgrave Festival in Jun which was visited by over 1500 people.
  • Presented on the RBL to all Cotgrave schools at Remembrance.
  • Provided various articles in The Cross and Cotgrave Connections.

Welfare.         We:

  • Referred some 5 cases to the Regional Welfare team as RBL policy now demands. Our problem remains getting the information required by the call centre operators and getting any sort of feedback from the Regional office. We are working to change this.
  • We are supporting the Branch Community Support project although we are not completely fulfilling the requirement as the effort to do so far outweigh the benefits.

Events.            We:                 

  • Organised and ran a very successful Spring supper at Blotts with 58people attending.
  • 15 of us visited the Newark Civil War Centre to see the Laurence of Arabia exhibition.
  • Had a difficult supper on the Trent. Too much wind and too many people, neither of which was within our control. Thank you Peter for organising it.
  • It was disappointing that the Wassailers Concert had to be cancelled because of lack of support and the RAF Band Concert never got off the ground. Hoho.

National Conference.            Our National Conference representative (Chairman) spent a lonely couple of days in Southport listening to RBL policy and strategy. Fascinating stuff if you like that sort of thing, and many do, it was packed. He found the most useful parts were networking with other Branches and pointing out to Hague House staff the areas that could be improved.

T J LUDLAM – Chairman

P McLAUGHLIN - Secretary