poppy field

Brussels Branch

Welcome to the Brussels Branch of The Royal British Legion



January 2025

How time flies. We’re already well on our way to February and it seems impossible that only a few shortbread biscuits remain from the food mountain I conquered during the festivities. And by the time you read this, these few remaining crumbs of comfort will be long gone.

I’m afraid I’ve failed once again with my New Year’s resolutions. It wasn’t difficult – I didn’t have any.

I don’t have the willpower or, frankly, the desire or disposition to do ‘dry January’, despite plenty of prodding from Laura, who does her best to awaken my good conscience which has been hibernating for some time now. She has everything it takes to be the perfect personal fitness trainer, except with her stubborn other half.

I’ve explained till I’m blue in the face that a beer belly is a sign of success. Besides, abstinence is not really in keeping with the spirit of our First Friday of the Month get-together. Mocktails? Come off it.

Talking of which, kudos to the more than dozen members and friends who disregarded the freezing weather to make it a splendid evening on 10 January at the cosy New Inn at Kraainem, our first FFM in this establishment. In fact, it was very cosy indeed as our table soon filled to overflowing. A quick poll before leaving indicated a firm thumbs-up so we’ll be back.

Pegasus March

The food and beer was excellent and I certainly felt I’d earned it after braving a wet and windswept 14km Pegasus March the previous weekend with Brussels branch alpha-males Steve Grant and Alain Brogniez.

Created by our much-missed late member Michel Bourland and the 101st Airborne Belgian Friendly group, the March commemorates the hard-won Battle of Bure (3-5 January 1945), one of the fiercest engagements of the Ardennes campaign.

Despite the inclement conditions, the annual remembrance event drew a sizeable crowd of walkers including veterans’ families and re-enactors representing 6th Airborne and the Belgian SAS.

It was a particular pleasure to meet the family of Major Jack Watson, commander of A Company of the 13th (Lancashire) Parachute Battalion, who was awarded the MC for his courageous leadership during the brutal three-day battle. You can read his account of it here.

The families of Para veterans Cpl Dennis ‘Yorkie’ Lister, Sgt Len Cox and Sgt Frederick Eale, were present too over the weekend.

We also met the nephew and British-based grandson of two Belgian SAS fighters involved in the operation. I’m delighted that, in the latest edition of our newsletter, François Lemaire, nephew of Cpl Charles Lemaire, and Paul Mas, UK-based grandson of Sdt Michel Mas, tell the stories of their relatives’ wartime exploits.

I’m pleased to announce that the President of the 101st Airborne Belgian Friendly group, Laurent Olivier, has confirmed that proceeds from this year’s Pegasus March will once again go to the RBL.

Cointe Campaign


There’s positive news following our campaign to ensure the historic Basilica of Cointe in Liège remains a place of remembrance. The structure of the now deconsecrated church, built with donations from Allied nations and war widows after WW1, is in poor condition and developers have received planning permission to convert it into an indoor climbing centre and restaurant. However, they have listened to our concerns and committed to protect a unique Polish memorial chapel inside the church – as well as to create a new ‘Remembrance walkway’ outside, connecting the building with the adjacent Mémorial Interallié tower. On 9 January, Belgian historian Bernard Wilkin and I had the opportunity to brief Pia Libicka-Regulska, First Counsellor at the Polish Embassy to Belgium, about the campaign. My thanks to Alain and Steve for their ongoing support.


We’ve already set the dates for our main commemorations of the year: Hotton and La Roche-en-Ardenne (4 May), Evere (21 June), Heverlee (9 November) and Namur (also 9 November). Do please include them in your agendas and let us know about any other events that you feel we should include in our branch calendar.

Branch Survey

Finally, by the time you read this, you should have received our new branch survey, aimed at gathering your views and suggestions about the activities that we organise. It only takes around five minutes to complete and we greatly appreciate your feedback which will enable us to better serve our growing membership. Thank you to Steve for pulling the survey together.

