poppy field


News and Events




Next meeting


Bromyard Branch

The next Meeting (AGM) of

BROMYARD Royal British Legion Branch will be held as follows:


                                           DATE: Wednesday 17th April 2024

                                           TIME: 19:00

                                           VENUE: To be advised


All welcome


Branch visit to the National Memorial Arboretum (16/02/2024)

Branch members and their families took a day out to visit the National Memorial Arboretum at Alrewas, Staffordshire. An early start afforded the opportunity to attend the daily Act of Remembrance at 11:00 in the chapel. Some took advantage of the land train to tour the extensive site.


County AGM (20/01/2024)

Stephen Gow was presented with the County Standard Bearer Certificate by Lord Lieutenant Edward Harley at the Herefordshire RBL County AGM held at College Hall, Hereford Cathedral. Bromyard Branch was awarded the President's Cup for efficiency.



Branch Meeting (17/01/2024)

Branch Chairman, Jon Weighill outlined the plans for the commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of D Day on 6th June 2024 and Armed Forces' Week in Bromyard commencing on Monday 24th June 2024.


Bromyard Christmas Tree Festival (01-03/12/2023)

Once again the Branch took part in the town's Christmas Tree Festival. Thanks to Jo Stoddart's inspirational idea for the poppies and to Richard and Janet Davis' decorating skills our entry was awarded the accolade of Best Decorated Tree. This success means that the Branch has achieved the 'double' in 2023 following its winning entourage in the Scarecrow Festival last summer.




County Standard Bearers' Competition (25/11/2023)

Congratulations to Stephen Gow who completed a hat trick of successes and is County Standard Bearer for another year.

County Meeting (23/11/2023)

A large turnout from the Branch attended the County Meeting in Bromyard and put some pertinent questions to the County Committee.

Poppy Lunch (12/11/2023)

Following the Remembrance Sunday Service members and friends gathered in the Falcon Hotel for the now traditional 'Poppy Lunch'. After the busy period through Remembrancetide it was an opportunity to relax and enjoy a convivial occasion.

Annual General Meeting (18/10/2023)

The committee annual report highlighted a successful year in which the Branch had been able to continue its substantial support for Legion led charities, several well attended social events and success in the Bromyard Scarecrow Festival. More new members would be welcome to support the Branch's activities.


Branch Breakfast (23/09/2023)

Another well attended Branch Breakfast was held at the Fisherman's Arms, Docklow.

Branch Meeting (30/08/2023)

It was agreed that Branch meetings and AGMs would be held on Wednesdays with immediate effect. This change is to avoid the clash of days with Bromyard cadet meetings to allow closer affiliation per the agreement signed in 2017. Stephen Gow was congratulated on his appointment as Detachment Commander and for his representation as County Standard Bearer at the Coronation. It was noted that the RBL County meeting and Armed Forces Day will be both be held in Bromyard in December 2023 and June 2024 respectively. Preparations are underway for the Bromyard Christmas Tree Festival; donations of military buttons gratefully accepted.

Rowden House Fete (17/06/2023)

A small team attended the Rowden House Fete to raise funds for the Poppy Appeal and to publicise the Royal British Legion in general and Bromyard Branch in particular.


Bromyard Scarecrow Festival (09/06/2023 - 11/06/2023)

The Branch took part in the annual Bromyard Scarecrow Festival, the theme of which was a title with a colour in it. To tie in with the military connections of the Royal British Legion we chose to represent 'In the Navy', a track by the Village People from 1978. Thanks to a great effort by the Scarecrow Team making a ship, caps and square rig collars to provide a ‘uniform’ appearance, the Branch was awarded the accolade of Best Entourage in the parade opening the Festival on the Friday evening.  Our photograph shows the crew with the scarecrow in HMS Poppy flying the white ensign.

Branch Breakfast (20/05/2023)

Another successful Branch Breakfast at The Fisherman's Arms was attended by members and friends.



Coronation Day (06/05/2023)

On Coronation Day County Standard Bearer and Branch member Stephen Gow had the privilege of taking part in the Guard of Honour lining the procession route in Parliament Square. He joined other Standard Bearers representing Counties and Branches from across the country on a historic and memorable day.


Branch Meeting (28/04/2023)

A change of meeting date and illness prompted a lower turnout than usual. Chairman Jon Weighill welcomed the new County Fundraiser, Darren Maynard, to the meeting. Darren congratulated the Branch and the community on its Poppy Appeal results and thanked all involved.

A number of Branch social and promotional events are in the diary as well as a proposed visit to the National Arboretum.

St. George's Day Civic Service (23/04/2023)

Fourteen Branch members attended the much praised ecumenical service organised by the Mayor and Town Council. The photograph shows the new vicar of St. Peter's Church, Rev. Philiip Miller, with Branch Standard Bearer Ben Tawse and Chairman Jon Weighill before the service.

Former Branch Vice-Chairman and Secretary, Jan Brodie-Murphy also attended, resplendent in her Royal Hospital scarlet uniform seen here with Bromyard Mayor, Councillor Dee Dunne-Thomas and fellow Chelsea Pensioner Alan Gill.

During the service, the Armed Forces' Covenant was signed on behalf of the Town Council and the Ministry of Defence.

Branch Breakfast (18/02/2023)

Following the successful inaugural Branch Breakfast in November 2022 another was held in February. Again this was well attended by members and friends at the Fisherman's Arms in Docklow (voted the Best Full English Breakfast in Herefordshire) where we were well looked after by the team.

On this occasion Branch Chairman, Jon Weighill, made a presentation to Janet Davies on her well earned retirement from masterminding the Branch's entry in the Bromyard Christmas Tree Festival. Janet's creative designs and beautiful decorations have adorned Legion trees for many years and she will be much missed.

County AGM (28/01/2023)

Stephen Gow was presented with the County Standard Bearer Cup and a County Certificate of Appreciation at the Herefordshire RBL County AGM held at College Hall, Hereford Cathedral.

Branch Meeting (19/01/2023)

Chairman, Jon Weighill, was delighted to welcome two new members to the Branch contributing to a net gain in membership since the last meeting in October. Jon also congratulated Stephen Gow on retaining his title as County Standard Bearer and thanked member Ben Tawse for taking on the rôle of Branch Standard Bearer. The Branch intends to take part in the Bromyard Scarecrow and Christmas Tree Festivals in 2023 and to have a presence at more community events in the town. More links with the Bromyard cadet force were suggested given the Agreement of Affiliation made in 2017.

Bromyard Christmas Tree Festival (02-04/12/2022)

Thanks to the ever creative and talented Janet Davies, the Branch once again submitted an entry to the Bromyard Christmas Tree Festival. Continuing with the military theme of previous entries, this year’s tree was entitled “I Saw Three Ships” and made reference to Bromyard Warships Weeks in 1941/1942 when the staggering amount of £125,000 was raised by the town to fund the Destroyer Class Warship HMS Vivien.  

Our photograph shows Janet and her husband and Branch member, Richard Davies decorating the tree in the Memorial Chapel in St. Peter’s Church. The Branch is greatly indebted to Janet who, for several years, has masterminded the design and made beautiful decorations for Legion trees at the Festival. She will be much missed as she now steps down from this role for a well-earned retirement.


Branch Breakfast (27/11/2022)

The inaugural Branch Breakfast, held at The Fisherman's Arms at Docklow, was well attended by members and friends.

South West Midlands Standard Bearer Competition (22/10/2022)

Congratulations to Branch member and Standard Bearer, Stephen Gow, on retaining his postion as County Standard Bearer following the South West Midlands Standard Bearer Competition. Stephen had the honour of bearing the County Standard at the Festival of Remembrance at the Royal Albert Hall on Saturday 12th November.

Annual General Meeting (20/10/2022)

At the AGM two more members were elected to the Branch committee which reported that membership numbers remained steady although more active recruits would be very welcome. During the year substantial support was provided to the Legion led charities to provide support for veterans and their families.

Farewell Tea (31/07/2022)

The Branch bade farewell to vice-Chairman and former Secretary, Major (Retd.) Jan Brodie-Murphy who is leaving Bromyard to become a pensioner at the Royal Hospital, Chelsea. Jan generously hosted a Farewell Tea at which she organised a collection which raised just over £300 for the 2022 Poppy Appeal. Barbara Leeson, former Herefordshire County Chairman presented Jan with a County Certificate of Achievement. This was testament to Jan's dedication to the Branch and the countless hours she devoted to making it the focus of Remembrance in the Bromyard community.

Branch Meeting (21/07/2022)

The Branch were represented at the Bromyard Gala where £104 was raised for the 2022 Poppy Appeal and £75 collected for Poppy Shop items. Plans are being made for a Poppy Dinner in November.

Branch Meeting (28/04/2022)

Due to unforeseen circumstances the meeting had to be postponed until a week after the scheduled date thus affecting the turnout. The Branch will be represented at the Bromyard Gala where it will raise funds for the Poppy Appeal and later in the year at the Christmas Tree Festival.

Branch Meeting (20/01/2022)

At this well attended meeting an small increase in Branch membership was reported and initial plans were discussed for a Breakfast Club and participation in the Bromyard Scarecrow Festival during the Platinum Jubilee weekend. The Branch had continued its support for Legion causes with a donation of £2,000 to the Bromyard Poppy Appeal. This was made possible, in the main, thanks to member Clare Davies who volunteers in the Totally Local Community Shop in the town.

Annual General Meeting (21/10/2021)

In October the Branch was finally able to hold its first face-to-face AGM since 2019. At this meeting, as well as the usual business, Cadet Sergeant Stephen Gow was presented with a Branch Certificate of Appreciation “in recognition of dedication to his duties as Branch Standard Bearer and outstanding success in the Herefordshire Standard Bearer Competition”.


 Cadet Sergeant Stephen Gow receiving a Branch Certificate of Appreciation fron Branch Chairman Jon Weighill


South West Midlands Standard Bearer Competition, Quedgley, Gloucester (16/10/2021)

Bromyard Branch of the Royal British Legion has won its fair share of awards in recent years and we are delighted to report that our Standard Bearer, Cadet Sergeant Stephen Gow, has added to the collection. Stephen recently took part in the South West Midlands Standard Bearer Competition held in Quedgley, Gloucester and was awarded the top prize for Herefordshire. As a result Stephen has the honour of being the County Standard Bearer.                                                                                                                       

This is a stunning achievement as Stephen was competing against older and far more experienced contenders.  Our late Chairman, Norman Dunn, who trained Stephen for his duties as Standard Bearer would have been justifiably proud of this accolade.

Stephen recently represented the Branch both as Standard Bearer and reader at a service in Hereford Cathedral to mark the centenary of the Royal British Legion. As ever, he performed his duties with distinction; the Branch is indeed fortunate to have him as its Standard Bearer.

Cadet Sergeant Stephen Gow


Bomyard Scarecrow Festival 2021

After fifteen months of lockdown it is pleasing to report that the Branch was finally able to participate in a Bromyard Festival once again. Our original plans, encompassing a large entourage, had to be changed due to the unknown state of Covid restrictions at the time of the Scarecrow Festival.

Instead we opted for a landmark familiar to cricket lovers everywhere – Father Time - now sited on top of the lift shaft between the Mound and Tavern stands at the home of cricket – Lord’s in St. John’s Wood, London. The weather vane was a gift to the MCC from Sir Herbert Baker, the architect of the second Mound Stand, completed in 1926 and the designer of the famous Grace Gates.

The symbolism of the structure derives from the Laws of Cricket, Law 12(3) which states that “After the call of Time, the bails shall be removed from both wickets.” Although some optimists in cricketing circles take the view that the bails are being placed in anticipation of a day’s play.